Monday, November 28, 2011

Bad Day

I have just heard that due to a last minute cancellation I can now have a colonoscopy and an endoscopy, both this Wednesday, the same day as the hospital strike but they said it was still OK, so wish me luck, its been a six month wait so I have to take the appointment or wait another six months

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sky News: Women's March To Highlight Impact Of Cuts

Re my blog about why women live longer and campaign for themselves

I don't blame them, men should be as selfish too.

See more adventures on the blog

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Hospital Complaints

This morning there is quite an in depth article in the daily mail about how hospitals are not very good, complaints are at an all time high, personally I  agree and have been saying for ages that hospital are geared up for the staff and not the patients, but that's explained in detail in many places in my blog, and your comments noted, but my reason for today's blog is that maybe I  only saw the bad side of hospitals, I  just saw uncaring staff and bad facilities for patients and good care and benefits along with a decent wage and short hours for the staff, but MAYBE I  was unlucky because according to the daily mail, I  was in the worst hospitals in the UK, lucky me, I'm in with three of the twelve worst hospitals, is that a record ?

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Seven Ways To Get More Done!

There are seven methods you can use to get more done each day. Each suggestion is simple, direct, and costs no money.

Work Harder

Work harder than you are working today. You can concentrate with greater intensity on your work. You can focus single-mindedly and discipline yourself to work without interruption, diversion, or distraction. You can work harder than anyone else, which is a secret to great success.

Work Faster
You can work faster than you do today. You can pick up the pace. You can develop a faster tempo. You can move more quickly from place to place and from job to job. When you combine working harder and working faster, you can get more done in a single day than most people get done in a week.

Batch your Tasks
You can batch your tasks. You can do a series of similar jobs together, taking advantage of the learning curve.

Do More Important Things
You can batch your tasks. You can do a series of similar jobs together, taking advantage of the learning curve.

Do Things You’re Better At
Do things at which you excel. The better you are in a key skill area, the more you can get done, and at a higher level of quality. Because you are better at these tasks, they will be easier for you, so you will get them done with less effort, and you will have more energy as a result.

Make Fewer Mistakes
To get more done, you can make fewer mistakes. You can take the time to do it right the first time. You’ve heard it said, “there is never enough time to do it right, but there is always enough time to do it over.” One of the best time management techniques is to do it right the first time, even if it takes a little more effort and concentration.

Simplify the World
You can simplify the work by reducing the number of steps necessary to complete the task. This makes the job simpler and easier to get done.
Focus on doing a quality job the first time you do the task so that you do not need to waste time to go back and fix that task.

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. -Francis Bacon

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Why women live longer than men

I  am not bitter and twisted or resentful, I  love women, I'm simply pointing out that they save there own asses and are not striving for equality, but superiority.

I hate to be a complainer and observer, but in real life if I just said I wanted lower tax, earlier retirement and a better health service it would not be a very interesting blog, so I  try to highlight events, as I  interpret them; I  believe I am factual, and unbiased. As always I welcome comments from readers, good or bad.

Women live longer than men, I  think that's undisputed, women are also under-represented in top jobs, BUT they are also very unrepresented in dirty and dangerous jobs too; yes it's true they have female police officers, you can see them on drug raids etc, there they are standing behind the SWAT, TSG etc, right at the back behind the men, and often behind the police cars, standing by with a pen, ready to be the "arresting" officer, that's not women's fault, they are just saving their own asses, it's selective equality, hence all of the women's breast cancer appeals, screening clinics etc. I  have never seen or heard of a sponsored run etc.. for male testicular cancer or even male breast cancer. They wanted to be treated equally but they still want to board the lifeboats first.

So not only do women live longer, they also retire earlier, they go to the front of the Q. They board lifeboats first, they stand behind the guys in the army.

Women are encouraged; almost bullied into having regular breast screening and smear tests, for cancer and cervical cancer etc. but men, men, get nothing. Some men have man boobs, I  don't think a doctor would take him seriously if he asked for a breast scan

My local swimming pool has women only swimming sessions, at the best times in the morning, I  have never heard of men only sessions (not that I want them) I  am simply pointing out the women have not achieved equality, they have superiority.

If you get married and divorced, the female gets the lions share of the assets, so she can be kept in the manner she has become accustomed, even if the divorce is her fault, she had an affair or whatever. In almost every case the women also gets custody of the kids, even if she is an unfit mother.

I  also notice that's it's quite normal and acceptable in soaps and films for a women to be violent towards a man, but the man (in theory stronger) is not allowed to strike back or defend himself

I  think this is born from tradition, men's instinct is to protect women and women's instinct to save themselves, and find a good provider, either to protect them from harm, and or buy them nice things.

It's not uncommon for women to be violent towards men in sit coms, and films, just as part of the story, not as the main event, but its wrong for men to be violent and complaints by abused husbands are not taking seriously by the authorities (I am not one of them but I empathise)

Women / girls are given the HBV virus vaccination free, and by their GP, men / boys are not, even though they are just as likely to get the cancer orally, and it is difficult, painful, and expensive to treat. Boys can get it but it costs around £300 / £400 and most boys don’t even know about it

And last but not least, women don't  get man flu