
Observations on modern women...

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Not designed as a news article, This is a compilation of thoughts, news articles and observations about women as and when the occur to me

Why This Page?
I suppose I am a little bitter about the male / female relationship, I feel they want it all their own way, they keep fighting for equality, when for nearly everything, they already have superiority and favorable terms in life, women and children first on life boats etc. they are treated like celebrities or royalty 

As a child I realized that my parents favored my cute, blonde sister, two years younger than me, she could never do wrong, even when wrong, it was OK, she was quickly forgiven and the "crime" forgotten, my teenage faults are still being mentioned and punished
As a young teenager my sister used to demonstrate pussy power, she would tease me and confuse me, getting her friends to show me their  things, then take them away, leaving me on the edge. My parents favored her and helped her with everything, they said "girls need more help" so they decided to leave their estate of over a million £ GBP to her, only her. I was homeless at 16, she was pampered until she found somebody to marry her after dating some high flyers, she already knew how to control men

As a young business man (21), after a short marriage, my wife left me, against my wishes, and kept the house, the car, the dogs, and everything, re UK law, she must be kept in the manner she has become accustomed, even though we were only married for three weeks, and I had the house, car, business etc before I knew her; she just lived with her parents and had nothing before marriage to me, and did very well from the divorce, leaving me in debt and homeless again

Even today, every day there is something on the news about more help and more rights for women, seriously, its just about every day. They insist they are equal, but demand more help

All said and done, I believe women know about men's needs and desires, they just don't care about them unless there is something in it for them

If all men are treated as misogynists, it will simply create more misogynists. I am not a misogynist, I am an activist simply pointing out facts, fighting for women's' equality - not superiority

Please be clear; I am NOT anti women (misogynist), I think they are lovely, I am just tired of them complaining and wanting and getting special help and considerations, being weak when it suits them etc. I want women to be EQUAL, NOT SUPPERIOR, I don't want them to be promoted just because people are afraid NOT to promote them in employment and the media. I just want men and women to be treated equally

Dictionary  lady
[ADJ] (Woman): female, feminine, womanly, ladylike, matronly, maidenly, wifely, womanish, effeminate, unmanly.

Copyright © I apologize if I have infringed any copyright, I am not deliberately profiting from anybody else's work or using copyrighted material as far as I am aware, the information on here is out there and my comments are original

Modern "Women"

The fact that 3.75 x more men commit suicide than women, means that women are selfish and just whine a lot, and even if this is all true that women have many issues, then they shouldn’t be considered equal, and allowed guns etc!

Depressed people are not only depressed, there also selfish and want everyone around them to be depressed too
Are all women selfish or have I just been incredibly unlucky? - 11/03/17 Sat Theres another women for women March in Torrevieja

Trading standards say shares can go up or down etc, so it should be pointed out that if you get married, and have a baby, then get divorced, 90pc of the time the lady keeps the baby, house, car etc

Women use claims of rape as a tool or weapon

Women change their minds, it's what they do, it's there prerogative, so love can be rape 50 years later
There is always duplicity with women - I myself had bad experiences 

I accept the yin and yang of men and women is a good and desirable thing, but... 
Yes, I want a woman that will share her body with me, for sure she won't hesitate to share her problems, todos and bills!

Maybe there should be a pre sex contract, proof that the women consented

Married then divorced? women can't lose
Women Christmas cards, wine bags etc
Only care about their own kids

Thanks to M and rag head taxi driver incident and paranoia I have to record so much

Every day something on the news about more help for women, sports, art, must give them top jobs, they must get the same pay, let support their football etc

If you are in prison you are entitled to sex, if you are married on the outside you are not. Should I move to Mexico or Brazil 🇧🇷

23:16  news judge said women loose credibility by being pissed VR

Apparently women do better with positive reinforcement, but men do better with embarrassment

It's almost guaranteed that police will default to the woman's side, unless exceptional circumstances

Let's face it, the women that are still spare are so for a good reason

From September 2017 - Rape "victims" can give pre recorded evidence and not go to court - re one woman Francis Andrea killed herself 19% of police workload, so not innocent until proven guilty. Biggest change in the law since Victorian era, justice secretary

Why is 50 shades darker top earning film of 2017? some cinemas have band men from seeing it, so it must be being watched by women

Budget 2017: Women's suffrage centenary gets £5m

VAWG - so more help for women only PDFHERE

Those that are inconsiderate have their lunch in peace, gardeners, twats in the street all have there chosen times in peace

I'm not scared of a fair fight with anyone, but I don't like violence or agrovation, not knowing if it's game on or not, I don't want to be the one to start anything, not knowing what it is

From my experience it is the women that hold a couple back in life, Marie certainly holds me back with her fears of change etc; Conrad and Alice, Mel & Juicy, Sonya & Mike, My parents, Chris & Celly M even mentioned this

Relationship are about family, money and sex, women won't discuss either, but don't hesitate to ask for money

Are women generically pre disposed to lose interest in sex at ~40 ? would have been after baby years

I don't think women want equality, I think they want complete world domination, power over sex, get divorced, keep the kids and house

So many films where women apparently are gagging for sex, is misleading, over 40 they don't generally like sex very much or very often

contradictory women no no no, yes yes yes, in many tv progs and films - little big lies (S1E2), shades of blue etc etc etc

yes, 50 shades of grey MEGA popular with women

Women are vulnerable when they say they are and equal when they want to be

Our baby, her kids, especially in divorce

Women will exploit every weakness in the man or / and the biased system - when it suits them! - its men being exploited

Rachel from Countdown

Ladies day at grand national 07/04  Fri

NASWT (national association of women teachers), no NASMT
women's hospitals

So is it now true that alcohol does not impare memory? as apparently women can claim they did not consent the next day, or 50 years later

So a wife can't testify for her husband but can testify against him

Country song, I feel a headache coming on, women have always used sex as a tool and weapon 🔫, now have adapted to digital technology and police over worked

women are all depressed and seek revenge

NHS obesity ops up 500% in a decade... and women have three times as many as men

  • There were 6,438 gastric band procedures last year, up 520 per cent in a decade
  • Telford and Wrekin in the West Midlands performed most procedures in England
  • There were just three per 100,000 in both West Norfolk and West Leicestershire 

Think you should always get the kids and the house when your marriage crumbles? This (female) divorce lawyer says times have changed – which is why she’s started... The men-only divorce club

  • Barbara Johnson-Stern heads up the UK's first law firm for men only 
  • According to Johnson-Stern, not only do we severely underestimate the trauma suffered by men in divorce, but settlements are often biased in favour of women
  • She knows her views won’t be popular, but she feels women — and it’s women who instigate 65 per cent of divorces — often have a sense of entitlement

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-4438216/The-woman-started-men-divorce-club.html#ixzz4f8vERYiv

17/05 Wed 

After it emerged nearly a THIRD of the female population worries about their sanity, SARAH VINE says you don't have to be mad to be a woman - but it certainly helps

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4513138/You-don-t-mad-woman-helps.html#ixzz4hIzOGYTI

guilty at 17 full movie 2014 man's life is ruined by lying bitches, true film, liar Traci got off scott free

Surely with women being weak and inferior when they choose and equal when they want is proof of duality
women are still happy to be in life boats first, so selfish too

04/06 Sun 
I am NOT condoning murder of anybody, but in two recent high profile TV (one real, and another doc based on reality, a man killed his wofe who was having and affair and about to leave him, keeping the house and kids to herself - and people wonder why the man is bitter and driven to murder

The most chilling TV murder hunt you'll ever watch - because it's real: Groundbreaking documentary will reveal every gripping moment of the search for mother-of-three's savage killer

  • Natalie Hemming was killed hours after meeting up with her lover Simon Dennis
  • Paul Hemming, 43, would be found guilty of killing his partner in Milton Keynes
  • The mother-of-three told Hemming she was leaving him after having an affair 
  • Hemming struck her as their children slept and then hid her body in the woods

Fictional 6 part life programme
The Trial: A Murder in the Family jury make their shocking final verdict as the TRUTH is finally revealed

women are vulnerable when its advantageous  to be so
Don't tell her any weakness as she uses it against me, re latest IF company went bust I'd look like a double fuck up to Bev, and obviously her too
Apparently To many women get sent to prison, gov wants numbers halved - 40% are single mums - so now less chance of women getting sent to prison than men, especially if they managed to find a man to give them a baby

gov say so many women have menatal health issues, how does that go with rape claims, did they get raped or not

women should not be blamed or responsible for having sex if they are drunk, apparently

(I)Wed, 25/02 07:30 Nottingham wants people to give up their seat for pregnant women

12.03 women claim of husband 26yrs after divorce
01/09 news and women
Rape "victims" can give pre recorded evidence and not go to court - re one woman Francis Andrea killed herself 19% of police workload, so not innocent until proven guilty. Biggest change in the law since Victorian era, justice secretary

Things terrible and getting worse with M -
what can I do? I don’t want or deserve an old bag (my age), fifty 50+ and fat with lezbo hair, macho mentality , tattoos  false boobs, neglected, dried up body and brain through lack of effort and negligence, generally divorced alcoholics and so switched everything off, probably have "anxiety and depression" and totally unwilling or unable to put any effort into a relationship; or be alone, or have a Pinay only wants family, no money etc unless everything else in the relationship is great!



Women soldiers and RAF claims


Female RAF recruits get £100,000 compensation each... because they were made to march like men

  • Women claimed injuries were caused by parading alongside male colleagues
  • They have been awarded compensation after a five-year legal battle
  • The women received more than soldiers who suffered wounds in combat
Where theres blame theres a claim S1 E2 women soldiers

women claims of injury in army, as cant do the same as men, but are equal, and get equal pay

Even the modern woman wants the man to make the first moves, chase her, pay for everything etc. Cool if she likes him, but if she doesn't appreciate his advances, he's a pervert and stalker

02/07 Sun
Transgender men to be given wombs on the NHS?
Now Transgender and Gay guys wants the equal rights of women, not of men

16/07 Now even Dr Who has had a gender change to female 

Most modem women are not serious about looking for a relationship, they already have the kids they craved and they kept the house in the divorce

Women aren’t just housewives! Sexist adverts showing traditional family life are banned by the industry watchdog

  • Depictions of women being solely responsible for the home will disappear  
  • The Advertising Standards Agency argues that it limits women's aspirations
  • But it will also become wrong to suggest only men are capable of doing DIY
  • The new regime will not ban housewifes but 'gender stereotypes'  

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4705568/Sexist-adverts-banned-industry-watchdog.html#ixzz4n9kJKRs4

27/07 Thu

Belly dancing for women in prison: Taxpayers' cash also spent on yoga and Zumba classes in hope of encouraging inmates to stay in shape

  • Classes will be offered to 425 inmates at HMP New Hall near Wakefield, Yorkshire
  • They will have access to belly dancing classes as well as yoga and zumba lessons
  • New Hal is closed category prison and houses 40 women serving life sentences
  • Spending public money on leisure for inmates may raise eyebrows among critics

10/08 Thu

Teen mother living in a mould-infested flat breaks down after being given a new home of her own for FREE by a millionaire who slept rough as a child

  • Marco Robinson, 49, used some of his £25 million fortune to buy someone a flat
  • In Get a House for Free Marco decided to give his three-bed flat to a single mum
  • Marco grew up with a single mother and said Holly's story resonated with him
  • Holly now owns and lives in the property in Preston, Lancashire with her baby 

Making upskirting illegal, but women fuck up the story, should it be criminal offence? or criminal office!

its very difficult to respect modern women, they just want babies, coffee mornings, baby showers, more help, leg ups, lessons, extra TV exposure, football leagues etc. flexibl hours, but equal pay and promotions. They say they want a career, they get trained and then leave, have a baby, come back for a week after maternity leave (to get paid), then leave permanently

So women when they want to be, and of course, if you ge divorced they keep the kids, house and car etc - hows that "equality"?

I really feel that the modern woman is of inferior quality to the respected ladies of the past, they want everything give to them without any effort, they want equal pay, but superior opportunities, women when they want, then be men when it suits them
Lower quality women with more ambition and needing more help than ever, how can we succeed in real life or a global economy

Google employee sacked for saying women have biological issues that stop them having equal jobs

Women, waste more of the planet, pink things, plastic water bottles, wrapping, sparkly things

see also  women for women
24/08 Thu - so again, its ok to discriminate in favour of women, I don’t like twats or feel safe on the trains either
Women-only train carriages could offer a 'safe space' on public transport, Labour politician says 

They all (the spare ones I encounter) seem so non responsive NRP, lazy or lethargic

26/08 Sat BBC
More help and publicity needed for female guitar players

If Corbyn etc wants seperate carriages for women, he'll have to define women, does that include, LGBTG?. Or is Corbyn worried about weight destruction? So many heifers?

Sharia Law

UK law favours women, ie, Police women get the same pay as Police men, but don't have the same risk exposures
If a woman has sex when she is drunk it's not her fault
But a man is guilty of rape when he is drunk, its his fault, even 50 years later
I would recommend anybody to get a pre-sexual contact consent contract; but woman can rescind it saying she was drunk when she signed it

Even "British" Muslim woman that hold traditional vales so very dearly, are tying to move away from their Sharia law, selectively, when it suits them of course

Obviously wives are inadequate and unconcerned about the man's sexual needs, hence Internet porn, affairs and rape Really women want a friend to fix the car, make kids, mow the lawn etc

I've never found " love " difficult to find, it's in every song, my mum loves me, my sister loves me, my drinking buddies love me, even God loves me, but a lover is hard to find

01/09/17 news and women
Rape "victims" can give pre recorded evidence and not go to court - re one woman Francis Andrea killed herself 19% of police workload, so not innocent until proven guilty. Biggest change in the law since Victorian era, justice secretary

Yesterday I said to a semi attractive barmaid whom had served me well during the day "you are attractive" apparently that is offensive; I was in female company, and was not flirting, I didn’t ask her out or say she had big tits etc - of course it would have been ok for her to be attractive if I was very rich or famous, or she wanted  a job as a anchor newsreader or actress etc

Asian girls are happy to be girls, European girls are confused, and going Gender neutral OTT, However, I can tell you from my experience and feedback received, the downside of girlie girls, is that they are expensive, Pinay, will expect you to support their family, forever

John Lewis announces children's clothes will be Gender free, so no boys or girls sections, only Genderless children, how are they going to turn out?!

In a documentary about long haul flight, an attractive stewardess said, some passengers are rude and abusive, she said she even got a marriage proposal, yes, of course that’s offensive, why would she need  a man?

The law assumes that the man is guilty and the "female" is innocent, and never lies etc, in any event, if a couple split up, the female nearly always keeps the kids, house, car etc, and the father gets occasional visits to his kids

This government (Home Office) public "service", assumes that the man is guilty, and now women don’t even have to testify if they can't be bothered, this is only going to increase resentment between men and women, hence the surge in false rape claims

These are not about mutual respect, its about the man always being in the wrong and women wanting equality when it suits them 

September 2017 John Lewis stores are scrapping boys and girls kids clothing, now all gender neutral clothes for kids

Yes, women are under represented in top jobs, but they are also under represented in the dangerous and unpleasant jobs and have nearly all the cushy office and receptionist jobs etc. They also have more time off for various reasons including biological

Women are always happy to use their looks when it suits them - example foodbabe.com

There is a National association of women teachers, (NASUWT) but a male version would be immoral, and probably illegal, same with the association of black police officers, what about black women police officers, they don’t need one because most of them arr off work, with depression etc

Article in the daily mail 17th September 2017

Ladies, ladies! Fists fly in politically correct punch-up after transgender activists try to turf the TERFs ('Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists') out of Hyde Park

  • Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists clashed with their enemies Trans Activists 
  • Maria MacLachlan was attacked at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park
  • The 60-year-old mother-of-two was left shaken and the police are investigating 


Dictionary  lady
[ADJ] (Woman): female, feminine, womanly, ladylike, matronly, maidenly, wifely, womanish, effeminate, unmanly.

26/09/17 New law; women can now drive in Saudi Arabia

Everyday there is something about women's depression

Apparently 3.5 times more men commit suicide than women, and yet, everyday we hear about how women need more help, they have anxiety and depression; let us also not forget that when they get divorced, usually their choice, they keep the house, car and kids, to stay in the manner they have become accustomed, and yet, women have depression. The children's father, will (generally) be allowed very limited access to their children, at the lady convenience

The reason many women don't want sex that no one talks about and why it's the busy high flyers who are hardest hit

  • Women are increasingly unable to make love due to stress on their pelvis  
  • Stress on the pelvis can be as damaging as emotional pressures
  • One women's health physiotherapist said she treats up to 400 women a year
  • If left untreated, women who hide the discomfort may need surgery later on


October 2017

In the new series of curb your enthusiasm, S9 E1, Larry David has a typical encounter with the "modern woman". here is a short extract from the episode

I have to say something about Harvey Wenstein

11/10/2017 Not even formerly acused, but condemned and busted, he has been fired from his own company that he and his brother founded, his wife has left and kept th emoney and the kids, and the Oscars association  have cancelled his lifetime membership

'My heart breaks for the women who have suffered': Harvey Weinstein's wife announces she is LEAVING sex abuser movie mogul as he 'flies to Europe for sex addiction rehab'

  • Georgina Chapman, 41, announced Tuesday that she was leaving Weinstein
  • The couple have been married for 10 years and have two children, aged 7 and 4
  • She said her 'heart breaks for all the women who have suffered' at his hands
  • Weinstein has been accused of sexual harassment, assault and rape
  • On Monday he boarded a private jet to Europe, where he will undergo rehab
  • The live-in facility will help him deal with sex and behavioral issues
  • Chapman is reportedly also concerned about Weinstein's affect on her company
  • He helped find A-listers to promote her high-class fashion brand Marchesa
  • But she's allegedly more worried that associations with him will put people off 
  • On Thursday it emerged that he had paid off eight women over such claims
  • Since then countless other stories have emerged from across Hollywood 

I suppose nowadays all men are perverts wanting to make love with a beautiful woman, but gay guys fucking each other's arse holes are normal

Meryly streep who previously referred to Harvey Weinstein as a God, now says his behaviour is disgraceful, but he hasn't been charged with anything, dozens of women are coming forward claiming he raped them, he did this, he did that. I don't know him personally or if he did this or that, what I do know is that many millions of women are quite happy to exchange gash for cash (or stardom) now these women are famous, they don't need him, so now they complain that they were assaulted 20 years ago etc; even if that’s true, they were happy with the business arrangement at the time, and why didn't they complain at the time? because they had a good deal. IF they had reported the "crime" at the time, they would have saved other women from becoming rich and famous, or rape victims, instead, it went on and on. I would say he's already been punshed enough

15th October 2017

IVANKA TRUMP has announced she is going to support female entrepreneurs, there are so many born rich, and celebrities helping and mentioning women, if they were doing this for men they would be accused of being sexist

ivanka trump mentoring women

So what's the plan with her? can women just call her and ask her for advice? I guess not money

Women are to be given a safe, clean home, if abused, vulnerable, have children etc, so no homeless women, only homeless men

BBC launches campaign to help women bbc.co.uk/100women

women are very happy to exploit their gender when it suits them, look how many news anchors and weather presenters are attractive, not many men (excluding gay guys); I am not saying they are wrong to do that, its just the bullshit that looks and gender are irrelevant, its more pertinent than ever before, sex sells; women know that


toothpaste advert

Here's a young lady happy to be paid for her physical attractiveness, and sending contradictory messages, because now its ok to flirt with a girl you meet on a train, or will she call transport police? or go home with you? (includes a video)

For God's sake let boys be boys, and girls be girls, and stop this charge to turn them all into 'non-binary, gender fluid creatures of indeterminate sexuality'

Quality of women has deteriorated (maybe men too)

Apparently over 90% of women are in favor of domestic violence, just as long as its against the male (its OK for women to hit men)

25/11/17 Sat BBC women women women, How much extra help do women need? id this was about men there would be an uproar from women, but men are not so selfish

BBC produces 100 women series, to help promote women in all avenues.

29/11 Wed
BBC say that university of Derby are to offer free football journalism scholarships to women
07/12 Thu

With respect to women, Kirstie Allsopps handmade Christmas is about women sticking glitter on bits of cardboard to make Christmas gifts, it would be better suited to 7 years old, instead of grown women, whom claim they are grown up and intelligent and can vote, join the army etc

women seem to have hijacked Christmas, away from religion and even children

11/12 Mon
Lidl double dipper adverts, dip and dip again, unhygienic and selfish women

12/12 Tue
Women getting £200 in vouchers for breastfeeding their own baby

16/12 Saturday

'I just wanted her to feel special but I don't blame her for my hell': Student, 22, falsely accused of rape says he was 'only trying to do the right thing' with 'troubled teenager'... and is STILL waiting for an apology from the police and CPS

  • Liam Allan said he 'wanted to do everything I could to make her feel comfortable'
  • He met the young woman at a social gather after being introduced by friends 
  • He said their sexual relationship was consensual and it was mutually fulfilling 
  • After the pair broke up he was arrested on his way home from playing football 
  • The woman, who must remain anonymous, had accused Liam of six rape counts  

>>>>OK, the police screwed up, didnt produce all the evidence to prove innocene, but no mention of the girl getting locked up or punished ; it would have ruined this lads life. Video in news file <<<<

There's nothing more damaging to feminism than this grotesque rape lynch mob culture, writes JOANNA WILLIAMS

Men are presumed guilty

If women are equal, why do they need / get all this extra help; did males ever get a leg-up the ladder in the beginning of the human race, no women did, they didn't work, had less stress and lived longer, and had men to protect the, fix their car, and go to war for them, doing the dangerous jobs etc etc etc

20/12 Wed

Scotland Yard to review hundreds of sex cases after SECOND rape trial collapses in evidence blunder involving the SAME detective responsible for student's rape trial collapse

  • Metropolitan Police has announced every live sex crime case will be examined
  • The review is to 'ensure all evidence has been properly documented and shared'
  • Two cases collapsed in less than a week due to issues in disclosure of evidence
  • Trial of Liam Allan was halted while prosecution collapsed against Isaac Itiary

>>>>Eventually the police are reviewing the system for "live" cases, its a start, but they are happy to open up 20 < 50 year old historic sex cases  <<<<
 No homeless women, but they are equal, just more vulnerable so get priority housing etc

28/12 Thu
Laura Plummer has been sent to Qena prison, an infamous facility holding jihadis

so now she's a vulnerable  frightened innocent female? I have never seen a male get this much coverage or claim he is frightened and so should be released, There is an update on this on 06/01/18 see below; same story with British Iranians Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe last week

Would Boris Johnson go to Iran to get me out of prison, or is it just for the British Iranians Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe, I don't think so (and it looks like he's making a £400 million donation).

Following on from last months Colgate advert, Wrigleys Extra chewing gum (a great product), has a contradiction, where a stranger sits down next to an attractive young girl on an empty bus, and she appears to be delighted, not threatened or frightened, this will encourage other men to think its OK to do this


Big Ben bongs... and then the big bangs! London welcomes 2018 with a spectacular firework display that lights up Westminster as female-dominated soundtrack marks a century of women's votes

  • More than 250,000 revellers were expected to flock to the city's landmarks to welcome in the New Year
  •  The soundtrack was dominated by female artists to mark the centenary of women being granted the vote
  • Unprecedented numbers of armed officers were deployed across the UK to protect revellers from the threat  
  • In London, unprecedented numbers of armed officers were deployed across the UK to protect party-goers

 >>>>2018 starts off not with women being equal, but it all being about women, they hijacked Christmas and New Years Eve. How is this equality  <<<<

04/01 Thu

Wealthy businessman, 27, cleared of grabbing woman's bottom in nightclub by vital CCTV says: 'It took me a long time to be able to sleep again'

  • French businessman was accused of slapping and groping woman in nightclub
  • CCTV showed the woman carry on drinking with accused after alleged attack
  • After jury were shown the footage, they cleared the accused of sexual assault
  • Case comes amid mounting concerns over disclosure of evidence in sex cases
  • Valentin Krzyzyk has slammed police and prosecutors for their alleged failings

They just seem to want to play Bingo, all about women with spare time

women want to be respected but keep complaining and playing bingo

06/01 Sat

Bizarre love triangle of British woman rotting in hellhole Egyptian jail: The lover she smuggled 290 illegal painkillers for is MARRIED with children - and she's even MET his wife

07/01 Sun

Cleared teacher falsely accused of raping a pupil blasts 'hypocritical' ex-CPS chief for raising concerns over the police's policy of automatically believing rape complainants

  • Teacher Kato Harris was cleared 18 months ago of raping a pupil
  • Ex-CPS boss Alison Levitt hit out at policy of believing rape complainants
  • But Harris branded her 'completely' hypocritical after suffering his ordeal  

08/01 Mon Golden Globe awards, Hijacked  hypocrisy, they all knew what was going on, but ignored it. We all have to do things for our superiors we don't want to do, it's worse for celebrities (apparently), but they get paid better for it Oprah Winfrey (not heard of for many years) jumps on the trendy bandwagon. More about winging women than what awards were were won by whom, same with UK parliament, jumping on the life is cruel to women

BBC China editor (Carrie Gracie) resigned as protest to women equal pay, (she's only on a measly £145,000; poor lady) lots of over paid rich women, Emma Watson etc agreed with her, it must be nice being able to resign from your job just because something that you don't agree with and turning down an extra £45'000 wages, while specializing in reporting on China, where people work for a bowl of noodles. How can anybody's job be compared? they are self employed, she agreed the deal; if anything, the male presenters should have a salary reduction to even the pay scale

Apparently 43% of marriages end in divorce, and of those that stay together 40% are unhappy, but stay together because of money or kids, however generally the females have a cash incentive to get divorced as they keep everything

While I was over in Spain recently, they discriminate against men, but at least they are honest about it; all women can use the toilets, but only male can if they are customers

ok to discriminate men

08/01/18 Theresa May has also been biased, by announcing the cabinet reshuffle with be about having more women and ethnics in the cabinet re-shuffle, so basically everybody apart from white males are in with a chance of promotion

10/01 Wed

Michael Douglas comes forward to deny he masturbated in front of a former employee more than 30 years ago after he was approached by The Hollywood Reporter with the claims

  • Michael Douglas is denying claims that suggest he sexually harassed a former employee
  • The Oscar winner says he wanted to 'get ahead' of the story before it was published
  • The actor revealed he was approached about the allegations just before Christmas
  • His children were concerned their father would be labeled a sexual predator (like weinstein)
  • He told Deadline: 'This is a complete lie, fabrication, no truth to it whatsoever' 


In my view, I don't know if its true or not, neither do you! but he will be condemmed anyway, same as Weinstein, sacked after simply being accused<<<<..

Seventeen dead, 24 missing and 300 trapped in California mudslides: Oprah's $50m estate is among the homes swallowed by 'river of mud' in upmarket neighborhood where many ignored warnings because of wildfire 'evacuation fatigue'

  • The bodies of 17 people have been found in Montecito after mudslides devastated the wealthy coastal town  
  • Another person died in Los Angeles County as a result of the severe weather, according to authorities 
  • Montecito is home to such celebrities as Oprah Winfrey, Rob Lowe, Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Connors
  • Winfrey's home survived the storms, but she shared videos of knee-deep mud in her yard and rescue missions
  • Former tennis star Connors told his Twitter followers that he had to be evacuated from his home by helicopter 
  • Rescue crews used helicopters to pluck more than 50 people who were trapped in homes and on rooftops
  • They are frantically trying to rescue 300 people from the community of Romero Canyon who are trapped  
  • The Critical coastal highway US 101 was shut down for 30-mile stretch from Ventura to Santa Barbara 
  • Residents suffering 'evacuation fatigue' after the wildfires chose not to heed the warnings to evacuate 
  • Montecito was split by mandatory and voluntary evacuation zones which many chose not to heed

I know of Oprah, from the old days, but she has been virtually unheard of for a decade or so, earlier this week she spoke up for more help for women, new era etc at the Golden Globe, I was suspicious of her motivation then, now she's back on the map. In any event, the main concern seems to be that rich people / celebrities are in danger<<<<..

We must celebrate heterosexuality: Top girls' school head warns of danger of focus on gay and transgender issues

  • Cathy Ellott, pastoral deputy of St Mary’s Ascot, warned of a 'real danger'
  • Heterosexuality may soon be ignored in favour of gay and transgender issues
  • She added that it should be ‘learned about and celebrated’ in schools
>>>>First sensible thing I have seen in the news for years<<<<..

Presidents club being shut down, despite donating millions to charity

What is the event?

The men-only dinner has been held annually for more than 30 years and has raised £20m for children's charities, including Great Ormond Street Hospital and Evelina London Children's Hospital.
Back in 2014, it generated £694,000 but cost £673,000 to put on.
In the most recent figures in 2016, its expenditure was £597,790 and income was £1,590,139.
In 2015, the dinner cost £685,406 and £1,103,855 was generated.

What have charities said?

Great Ormond Street Hospital and Evelina London Children's Hospital have said they will return previous donations from the organisers of the dinner following the reports.
Great Ormond Street said it was "shocked" and said it had received £530,000 from the Presidents Club via three gifts between 2009 and 2016.
"The returning of a donation is unusual and we are aiming to return the monies in full at the earliest opportunity," a spokeswoman said.
The Royal Academy of Music said the allegations were "deeply disturbing" and said it would refund a £10,000 donation.
The Charity Commission said it was investigating the claims "as a matter of urgency".

What about those who attended?

Big knobs, that got leery in a good cause and helped millions of people

'These girls are all over 18, they knew what they were doing': Defiant property executives who attended sleazy Presidents Club gala say it is no worse than 'a rugby club dinner'

  • Two property industry figures who joined 300 guests hit back against criticism
  • One claimed the waitresses were aware that the event was going to be 'racy' 
  • Another attendee described the charity event as being like a 'boys' night out'

>>>>Can these charities just afford to bounce back the money raised, I would not donate to them anymore<<<<..
 Great Ormond Street Hospital and Evelina London Children’s Hospital are among causes to have benefited from £20million raised by the Club over more than 30 years. They said they were shocked and were returning donations.
>>>>Yes, the women knew what they were doing, they got paid well, there are old enough, and they were asked to dress in skimpy clothes and underwear, so they knew what to expect. Or are all women not responsible for their own choices<<<<..

It was hands on bottoms, hands on hips - and hands creeping up skirts... GUY ADAMS on the £2,000-a-head City charity bash the age of political correctness forgot

  • Presidents Club Charity Dinner has been held in January for the past 33 years
  • In order to attend the dinner, you are, without exception, required to be a man 
  • Young women at the bash are paid to join punters at their tables as 'hostesses'
  • Some of the women were groped, sexually harassed and lewdly propositioned 
  • 50,000 signed a petition calling for more protection from sexual harassment

This story has had massive publicity, MP's interrogated  people being embarrassed, charities returning the hundreds of thousands of pounds donated from this event, including Great Ormond Street children's hospital. These women knew what they were doing, (or are we saying women are idiots), they were asked to wear sexy clothes and matching underwear, apparently they were paid £150 + £25.00 taxi fare + TIPS, for one evenings waitressing / hostesing ,only one lady complained, an undercover reporter, from the Telegraph


You get what you cater for in life, now university's, including Oxford have gender neutral toiletsgender confused toilets

Attorney General savages police and prosecutors for 'basic' errors in recent collapsed rape trials as CPS announces review of EVERY case

  • Several cases have collapsed at the last minute due to undisclosed evidence 
  • The new review was announced by CPS chief Alison Saunders yesterday 
  • Attorney General Jeremy Wright QC slammed prosecutors for their 'basic' errors 
  • Mr Wright also blamed underfunded services for a lack of resources as a 'factor'

System is still biased against males; Obviously this is a bad thing for men, but also a bad thing for women, because the police integrity has been badly questioned; the police default has always been to assume that the man is guilty in any domestic situation; the police have told me that if they are called out to a male and female arguing in their house, the man will be arrested and taken away while its sorted out; if a separation is ordered, the man has to move out of his house, especially if they have kids

Sexually transmitted or even passed from mouth to mouth, the HPV virus is the cause of our fastest-growing killer cancer. The NHS immunises girls against it but NOT boys. Why? Because it's cheaper to protect them

  • The jab grants immunity to the human papillomavirus and is free to young girls
  • Vaccinating boys as well would cost an insignificant additional £22million a year
  • Prof Margaret Stanley: 'Not to immunise boys is classic Treasury short-termism'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5320893/The-NHS-immunises-girls-against-HPV-NOT-boys-Why.html#ixzz55SGqhSC7

Curves for days! Kim Kardashian flaunts her hourglass figure in barely-there underwear with low-cut top for racy Instagram post

Kim-KardashianAgain, contradictory messages from women, they want attention when they want attention, and they can change their minds about consent and permissions, sometimes 30 years later

Pardoned Briton is still in Egyptian jail: Laura Plummer said to be 'doing well' as she waits for interior minister to authorise her release

  • Laura Plummer is 'doing well' according to her family as she waits to be released
  • Her family visited Al-Qanatir prison on the outskirts of Cairo after her pardon
  • Last hurdle for her release is paperwork that Egypt's interior minister must sign

So the pretty lady, married to a Muslim with all the media coverage, gets released


28/01/18 Sunday

Grammy Awards 2018

Grammy, is an (supposed to be) award presented by The Recording Academy to recognize achievement in the mainly English-language music industry. The annual presentation ceremony features performances by prominent artists, and the presentation of those awards that have a more popular interest. It shares recognition of the music industry as that of the other performance awards such as the Academy Awards (film), the Emmy Awards (television), and the Tony Awards (theater).

This year, in my opinion it was hijacked by winging women, who took the opportunity to make the event about them, it wasn't about which artist won, it was about women feel they didn’t win enough, and already had a song prepared on the theme of "time out" and feel that the judges should be sacked because women didn’t win enough, its getting to the point  where we are all having to let women win everything, and if they don't win, they will say its because they are a woman, its not a new ploy, the Indians and Pakistanis did I in England, years ago where employers were scared to promote a white man instead of an Asian, even if the white man was more experienced and better qualified, the PC situation has got very out of hand, and dailymail writer Piers Morgan jumped on the bandwagon of this complete out of hand fad of letting women win everything, or be accused of abusing them and be sacked without a trial or evidence. It turns out that the new trend BAME, overrides whining women, so awards went to BLACK PANTHER film, mainly featuring black actors
Males are ASSUMED guilty by governments and police
From criminal minds, men always assume that the woman is the victimFrom True Crimes, authorities always blame the man first (sorry for the poor quality)
Apparently women often accidentally on purpose buy the wrong food, or something they want, and know their partner doesn’t like in order to punish him, sneaky and vindictive

women deliberately buy the wrong food

01/02 Thu

'I'll see you in court': Full bombshell texts sent by a vengeful ex that CLEARED a BT engineer of raping her are revealed

  • Case against Connor Fitzgerald, 19, collapsed when prosecutors saw the texts
  • He lost his job and says he is now scared to go outside after the rape allegation
  • It comes after police apologised to Liam Allan for failing to provide crucial texts 

>>>>Once again, the male gets the sack before he's been given a trial or found guilty<<<<..

No more F1 grid girls

end of grid girls, more women unemployed, a blow to feminine women

SARAH VINE: Why is it only middle class feminists who have the right to do what they want with their bodies?

Grid girls hit back after practice is scrapped by Formula One owners

>>>>So, once again overbearing women fighting for women's rights are telling other women what jobs they can do, hence putting them out of work<<<<..

'Please say she won't go': Countdown fans beg TV bosses not to give glam Rachel Riley the axe following controversial ban on F1 grid girls

  • The Grand Prix governing body have decided that grid girls weren't 'appropriate or relevant' to F1 going forward
  • Fans have been speculating what will now happen to glamorous women in television, such as Rachel Riley 
  • The 32-year-old attended Oriel College at Oxford University where she received an upper second-class honours degree in mathematics 

Prostate cancer is now a bigger killer than breast cancer: One man dies every 45 minutes from the disease as research lags TEN years behind other forms

  • More than 11,800 men a year are now killed by prostate cancer across Britain 
  • Disease has overtaken breast cancer as the third biggest cancer killer in the UK 
  • Despite this, prostate cancer receives half of research funding of breast cancer
  • Daily Mail has been campaigning for nearly 20 years to raise profile of disease 


>>>>But still we offer (almost beg) breast cancer screening, mobile breast screening etc, but nothing for men<<<<


07/02/18 Theresa May accused of not doing enough to help women, how much help did she get, the strongest trees grow in the dense forest where they fight for survival by being the best, like men have to do, not constantly asking for help and privileges (best of both worlds)



I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but most women don't want a career, they are not interested in science, they want babies, and somebody to look after them and pay for them, nice if you can get it, and apparently you can, especially if you work for government .



If these modern "women ", who advocate equality are going to look like men, act like men, dress like men the should be treated like men

National cancer day, lots of pink campaign for breast cancer, I've not seen anything like this for males, even though more males die

BBC 100 women campaign again (was also in November / December 2017) 7th March

100 years since the women got the vote

Women's football will never bring in the crazy wages of the equivalent male football, most women are not interested in football and so won't support it by buying season tickets etc, men that like football will find it less exciting and anyway don't have the money or time to support more leagues, and in any event the women will have so much down time with, he touched me, he's looking at me, she got selected and it should have been me etc etc etc

Feb 2018,
Film4 celebrates 'PHENOMENAL' women with a month of female-led films

Literally every day women complain about getting a bad deal and not equally (meaning superiorly, preferentially, best of both worlds) treated

Obviously this is a bad thing for men, but also a bad thing for women, because the police integrity has been badly questioned; the police default has always been to assume that the man is guilty in any domestic situation; the police have told me that

Tesco faces record £4bn equal pay claim

Thousands of women who work in Tesco stores could receive back pay totaling £20,000 if the legal challenge demanding parity with men who work in the company's warehouses is successful.
Lawyers say hourly-paid female store staff earn less than men even though the value of the work is comparable.
Tesco said it worked hard to ensure all staff were paid "fairly and equally".

>>>>Even though the men are working in cold warehouse and unsociable hours, and the women are in stores serving customers in a cleaner safer environment, in any event, women can choose to work in the warehouse, if they are so sure its the same job<<<<

This month February 2018, Film 4 are running are series of films highlighting how wonderful women are. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/film4/articles/all/phenomenal-season/5653

I was always brought up to believe that the best school is the school of hard knocks, that the strongest trees grow in the dense forest where they have to fight to survive; those that do, are the best and strongest, but now, women want a leg up with everything, and England has gone PC mad. I can honestly say that every day for the last six months there is a new campaign launched to help women more, the government makes promises, women complain, they were interfered with decades ago etc. I would be very reluctant to employ women IF I had a choice, even though I think there work ability is equal, they also want a lot more Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum),extra sick days (on top of real ones), maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc, early retirement etc. In reality, they can only be employed by the public sector that can afford to cater for all this and pay for it with the tax payers money, a real company cannot be competitive by offering so many lovely benefits
True Equality, Is not just about women, and a country full of zombies, no decisions and no progress, Do women really want to be assumed guilty in domestic cases? like a man!, no I don't think they ever wanted equality; they want world domination

true equality

So called pussy power has evolved from a tool women used to get what they wanted, to a weapon to destroy men, and in my opinion the economy by being swamped in PC, legal claims, often without much investigation, sometimes for great profit, and sometimes for the sake of being vindictive

08/02 Thu
Westminster harassment procedures in place, defendants to remain anonymous and not sacked, until decided guilty, unlike everybody else who's sacked and assumed guilty. I think in a short time women will lose the massive advantage of pussy power, a very powerful, long used and revered weapon to help women get what they want, men will be afraid to associate with them for fear of being set up
Black panther film black biased, obviously part of helping BAME, nothing would be allowed to promote helping white people, BAME even over ruled the women promoting trend at the Grammy awards 2018

Women! Think you should always get the kids and the house when your marriage crumbles? This (female) divorce lawyer says times have changed – which is why she’s started... The men-only divorce club

  • Barbara Johnson-Stern heads up the UK's first law firm for men only 
  • According to Johnson-Stern, not only do we severely underestimate the trauma suffered by men in divorce, but settlements are often biased in favour of women
  • She knows her views won’t be popular, but she feels women — and it’s women who instigate 65 per cent of divorces — often have a sense of entitlement
  • Its assumed that the male is guilty


>>>>wow, I must admit, this is a shock, and a breath of fresh air, I never saw this coming<<<<..



 I must be missing something here, Oxfam returned charity donations from the Presidents club, because they felt the club was immoral and disrespectful to women, and yet, they are using potions of power to abuse Haiti refugees, and apparently well meaning, unpaid UK charity shop workers


Minnnie Driver resigns as an Oxfam Ambassador over the scandal, so she looks good, but surely she is abandoning the refugees, she clams to be trying to help


go to the top


In office
14 July 2016 – 8 November 2017
Priti Patel, says she witnessed wrong doings with Oxfam and said nothing about it and now jumping on the trend, and wasn't she sacked for being AWOL

Women getting higher education, waste of my money and their time, IN General, not always! all they want is marriage and babies, great if I'm wrong, but those who leave within 5 years should have to pay for the cost of their training, I think they get qualifications and jobs as Dr's to prove they can, and as curiosity to kill a few years before they meet someone and have babies, yes sometimes they return to work, years later, during a mid-life crisis when their qualifications and work protocols are out of date

People say that their greatest achievement is to have kids, but it's just arrogant to think that your best achievement is making more of you! Anyway it's not clever, especially in an over populated world with food shortage and war always on the horizon, anybody can do it, drug addicts, whinos, monkeys, even single cell organisms, so no achievement at all, just misguided arrogance


Women don't want to be judged on their looks, good or bad, but invariably don't engage in much conversation with people unless they know them really well

So in a relationship the female won't have sex, or conversation, so he sees another, he's the bad guy

 19/02 Mon

Employers are still asking women to disclose whether they are pregnant or have young children during job interviews

  • Decision-makers still think it is acceptable to check a woman's childcare plans
  • Almost half thought it was alright to find out if a woman had young children 
  • EHRC chief executive Ms. Hilsenrath said: 'When it comes the rights of pregnant woman and new mothers in the workplace, we are still living in the dark ages'

>>>>So what are companies supposed to do? keep jobs open during pregnancy? ok if you work for Sky, HMRC etc<<<<

BAFTA was hijacked by whining women in the times up craze, hardly any coverage of who was awarded what, but 90% air time to gender confused, wanted to be considered as beautiful women, and naming and shaming those not wearing the black as commanded. News anchors keen to be supportive, even though men were paid more than women for the same job. This on the same day that employers are not allowed to ask women about children, or plans to have a child, this has definitely made running a business much harder, especially small businesses, maybe impossible

So in a relationship the female won't have sex, or conversation, so he sees another, he's the bad guy

These new women, time out etc would not want their sons to experience the selfishness they are showing towards other men

River Island gender free

20/02 Tue

Babies born in the UK are more likely to die early than in Cuba, Latvia and Belarus due to low breastfeeding rates, obesity and women delaying childbirth

  • Figures from Unicef ranked the UK 30th out of 184 countries for lowest mortality rate within a month of birth 
  • Although comfortably within the top quarter, Britain lags behind countries from the former Eastern Bloc such as Latvia, Estonia and Belarus 
  • Approximately 2.6 babies died in their first month for every 1,000 born in the UK 

Woman, 26, is charged with public order offences after note was left on ambulance saying writer 'couldn't give a s*** if the street collapses' as she demanded the vehicle is moved

  • Paramedics had received note while attending an emergency in Stoke-on-Trent 
  • Kirsty Sharman allegedly wrote the angry note and placed it on an ambulance
  • Ambulance staff claim the 26-year-old verbally abused them during a call-out 
  • She has now been charged with a public order offence and will appear in court  

Just another self centered, selfish woman, how many charities are there for women's cancer, etc, everyday there are tin shakers in the street, TV adds, help women, breast cancer, breast cancer etc etc. BUT 3 times more men die from prostrate cancer, but you don't see male mobile cancer screening

The UK government's transport for London (TFL) has started another new men hating campaigning, assuming that women never lie, and the male is guilty, this is the assumption on their TV campaign, and in some way on TV and in papers EVERY day, encouraging, almost begging women to come forward and accuse a man of rubbing against them on an overcrowded train. So the police have an excess of man (sorry / woman/ gender confused) power? bored of chasing criminals and want to do some persecuting instead, what the hell is going on ?! https://tfl.gov.uk/travel-information/safety/report-it-to-stop-it

Interestingly, comments are disabled for this video on youtube, Feb 2018
21/02 Wed

Text shame of ex-Save The Children boss: Charity chief resigned over 'barrage' of 'unsuitable' text messages to junior female staff... yet still managed to land a top job at Unicef

  • Justin Forsyth admitted to 'personal mistakes' over barrage of text messages 
  • His current employers Unicef are considering 'appropriate action' regarding him
  • Three separate complaints against him between 2011 and 2015 – the year he left
  • Questions raised about whether he protected Brendan Cox who left the charity

>>>>I understand that women are encouraged by the government to be biased against men, and assume guilt, but are they saying because MAYBE he sent inappropriate messages to female colleagues, that means he wasn't good at his job at save the children, or UNICEF<<<<

Seriously; Nowadays I would think twice about employing or working with women that are of child bearing age, transport for London (TFL) feels it’s a serious offence to brush against a female even on a crowded train, so in an office or factory would obviously be really bad, certainly instant dismissal even without proof, maybe even imprisonment, BUT its illegal NOT to employ females, so its better off to be in business elsewhere in the world, NOT the UK where all the PC and rules and legislation stack the odds against any business succeeding. I speak as as a businessman of over 35 years, and an employer and somebody with a Ph.D and MBA in business.

Apparently most women think that the grandparents should look after their grandchildren, but grandparents don't want the gig, they are too old, and want to enjoy their retirement; these women take it for granted AND want child support, free school meals, every day, AND want to be praised for bringing up their kids. video available, hope

March 2018

Dozens of women are saying that they have been sexually harassed by the Jeremy Corbyn gang, the socialist, UK Prime minister hopefull

Labour Too: More than 40 women speak out about alleged sexual harassment and abuse by MPs, activists and party staff

  • They say rapes were covered up over concerns its reputation could be damaged
  • The LabourToo activists set up their campaign to protect women in the party 
  • One said she had been raped at the Labour Party conference, but 'no one cared'

EVERY day a new story of female abuse fills the news as main headlines and goes on for weeks; I have already suggested that it is impractical to work with women, however, its also illegal not to employ someone just because they are female, and females do have useful contributions to make, but they always bring many extra problems and need more down time for various reasons, in order to avoid or reduce this downtime, As the UK government is assuming all men are guilty, I would ask, are there any women out there that have not been abused? please let me know.


March 8th 2018 Sky news joins the anti male crusade

Every day to be International women's day

 So women need more help

Women need more loans, more help and more time off

I agree 100% that the same job should get the same pay;
But women often don't have as much
work experience.
Women are unlikely to consider working
as a life long career; and to stay working for
as long, and are therefore
an expensive low ROE when they leave after
a few years to have babies, look after their mum etc.

It's true that women are under represented in top
jobs; BUT they are also scarce in the
dangerous; dirty; cold; unpleasant jobs
(and look at what a great job the UK PM
Theresa May is doing!)

Reducing the weight women soldiers
RAF, police etc use in training
sounds romantic, but not equal AND
will the enemy be so gentle with women?

Women soldiers and police officers etc
are NOT put in the same situations as their
male counterparts, and yet get the same pay.
Is that equal? or fare?

And when we say "women" does that
Gays, Transgender, Gender confused, little men
and big strong women?

Women don’t want equality, they want everything
world domination at any price!

If women are equal, why do they need all
this extra help? successful men and women
were strong and smart, they didn’t get extra help

Surely this is only a PR exercise and
all this help and anti men conspiracy by
media and government will result in the weaker
"business" people starting a business, but will
perish in the global economy

And with all this sexual harassment at work
(mostly unproven; often untrue)
including MP's etc; surely women will have to be
put in isolation at work to avoid all these
sick and perverted men

I'm not saying that women are bad; but
can't we just accept that women
are different to men?

To conclude, media and government claim
to think that women are equal, but they need more help
with everything, more money and more
support, from government and men.

Apparently millions of women are also
stressed and depressed, mostly because of
trying to balance a career with being a super mum
(its just not possible)

I have said enough now

UK introduces sugar tax, so these ladies will
need even more money in the divorce settlements
sugar tax will mean higher money payouts for divorce settlements
09/04 Mon

Why you should NEVER get divorced! Britain's top female lawyers reveal their eye-watering charges and couples' shocking demands - including a wife who demanded a £1m annual clothing budget

  • Female divorce lawyers gave an insight into the the challenges and rivalry 
  • Lawyer Helen Ward has handled a number of high-profile celebrity divorces
  • She advises people to think long and hard about divorce before proceeding 
  • Prominent female family lawyers earn over £600 an hour
  • Sandra Davis claims London is regarded as the divorce capital of the world  

Seriously; Nowadays women have very little to lose by getting married then divorced, it’s a win win for them, if the marriage is OK, fine, if the man doesn’t meet their expectations or hopes, they can keep the kids, house, car, future pensions etc. The only guaranteed way to avoid divorce is to NOT get married

From the expert on FemalesVery Short Video Clip
Charlie Sheen, Two and a half men, S02 E13
No such thing as frightened women

no such thing as little frigtened women 

From the High Court SheriffVery Short Video Clip
High Court Sheriff, from can't pay we'll take it away. S03 E05
no such thing as little frigtened women 
Can't pay we'll take it away S3 E5; sheriff says, Men don't get help from councils for re-homing, women are vulnerable; families with babies have a legal right to housing, leaving only men homeless

Panorama 31st April
Getting a fair trial? No mention of the lying women getting the penalty of 41/2 the innocent mans sentence

The current best job seems to be a giggling female news anchor; nothing is expected from them, no background knowledge, no research etc, just read the script, look pretty, and giggle

Olympics to have an Intersex category?

I noticed no women working in the London fatberg removals (only in the labs after extraction

This weekend
No big surprises #metoo chicken song wins Euro vision song; Israeli "lady"; I don't think they dare not let her win, it would have been discrimination if she didn’t win

The discrimination bill in government is women and equality commission, how fare is that

Theresa May has done a lot for feminist and lesbianism but nothing for the economy or men, she does not worry about appearance, hair, makeup etc

24/05 Thu

Father-of-two, 53, spent 'torturous' EIGHT MONTHS in jail over false rape claims after police withheld vital phone messages

  • Robert Adlington was falsely accused of rape and other charges last year
  • He was repeatedly denied bail, locked up in Nottingham prison for eight months
  • Police didn't turn over racy text messages that proved the sex was consensual
  • Case was thrown out by a judge in January when the texts were finally disclosed
  • Mr Adlington says his life is ruined and he lost he business, house and reputation

This is another example of the biased and unfair treatment men now receive, there has been many cases like this where the police and CPS assume that the man is guilty and so don't investigate the case, they just prosecute and select details and SOME facts to support the case against the male. WHY? I don't know why all this is going on so much lately, the police will say they are under staffed, but they have enough staff and resources to find the negative details and ignore others
I can't help but notice women's charities everywhere; and when a woman/group of women starts a charity its always a charity to help women, never just a charity, its for breast cancer, abused women, depressed women etc etc

08/05 Tue
Sky news, 1 in 5 women have mental health issues, and apparently, all women need more help, especially mothers, and yet, they can vote, have extra time off, and want the same pay

1 in 4 pregnant women have mental health problems

A new King’s College London study published Thursday 4 January in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found that 1 in 4 pregnant women have mental health problems. This is more common than previously thought – but two simple questions can help identify these problems so that women can be treated.
It is the first UK study to examine the prevalence of mental health problems or mental disorders when seen by a midwife for pregnancy care. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ioppn/news/records/2018/january/1-in-4-pregnant-women-have-mental-health-problems.aspx

Women have higher rates of mental disorders than men, NHS survey finds

Women are more likely to have mental health problems than men, with young women at particularly high risk, the biggest survey of mental health disorder and treatment in England has found.
The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, conducted every seven years and based on interviews with a cross section of the general population aged 16 and over, found that one in six adults (17%) had a common mental disorder—one in five women (20.7%) and one in eight men (13.2%).1 Common mental disorders were classified as generalised anxiety disorder, depression (including mild, moderate, and severe), phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and non-specified disorder.
The prevalence of mental health problems has been growing since the survey was first undertaken in 1993. That year …

May 2018 TV documentary series 24hours in police custody; S7 E01, man assumed guilty of murder, he was given a hard time and eventually found to be totally blameless and innocent, it was the authorities that let her down and she committed suicide. If authorities weren’t so enthusiastic to assume it’s the man's fault, she would have been alive today; very sad and moving episode

I fully accept that MOST women don't have the sexual desires or needs that men have, they don't understand or care either; but they all seem to have financial desires

Very Short Video Clip
Frank Barone.
Everybody Loves Raymond. S04 E02 The Tin Opener
(never argue with a crazy person)

no such thing as little frigtened women 

14/06 Thu

Another depressed woman, starting a charity for women, not for everybody

Guess the secret all these women share: There’s no cure. It can make them too depressed to leave home. Some even hid it from their husbands, now they reveal all

  • A wig company owner was moved to form support group Women Warriors 
  • Jolene Casey, 40, wanted to help alopecia sufferers find a new zest for life
  • She placed an appeal for sufferers to come forward in her local newspaper  
  • Around eight million women in the UK are affected by hair loss 
  • Women Warriors aged 14-64 shared how their hair doesn't define them
yes, of course, its worse for women, even though 3 times more men commit suicide than women

June 2018. No shit, my friend M and I work for the same UK Ltd company and are about to be made redundant. We both went to the local council offices and she has been moved up the housing list as currently in "insecure accommodation" and so qualifies for a house, councils HAVE to house women, but not men. That’s the law!  my option is shown below

The government (worldwide) is not comfortable about asylum seekers or refugees in temporary housing but it's ok for men to be homeless and living on a park bench for indefinitely

homeless male accomodation

June 2018 New law that up-skirting can have up-to 2 years in prison, seems an easy, harmless way to avoid being homeless for men, free accommodation and food.

18/06 Mon
M my homeless female friend (ex work associate) has been given a copy of her medical records for free, Males have to pay £25.00

24hrs in police custody, UK documentary about daily police work; S7 EP5 a young lady claims she was a victim of multiple rapes over several weeks, that was her story, the police just believed her version of events and spent the rest of their time trying to find evidence against him to prove him guilty - what you see depends in what you look for. This is quite a common failure of police at the moment in this man hating era

Men are stuck in the traditional old ways while many women are not ladies anymore and taking it all, men have slowly lost their gonads / cojones (Spanish), we just accept we only see our kids occasionally after divorce, "lady" keeps the home etc

21/06 Thu
Now there are so many women MP's, more laws in favor of women. Theresa May, Prime Minister & Justice minister Lucy Frazer, Penny Mordaunt (women and equalities MP) etc. Their main mission is to bring out more anti-male legislation, housing, divorce law, biased police guidelines etc.
Why is there a women and equalities MP? why not just equalities? and it happens to be another women only looking after women, there are no male equivalent MP's, that would be illegal and sex discrimination

penny mordaunt MP women and equalities

July 2018

Girls are banned from wearing skirts at 40 secondaries across England as schools opt for gender-neutral uniforms to cater for transgender pupils

  • Schools are requiring boys and girls to wear trousers in gender-neutral uniforms
  • They followed the lead of Priory School in Lewes which made the move last year
  • One school in Bury is facing a backlash as parents petition to stop a ban on skirts

'Gay cure' therapy will be outlawed: Prime Minister Theresa May tackles 'burning injustices' faced by homosexuals

  • The Government has announced 'gay conversion' therapies are to be banned
  • Ministers pledged new laws to stop charlatans from promoting such treatments
  • Thousands of gay people have been offered the therapy, a survey found

The Government's LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) action plan – backed by £4.5 million from Whitehall – also promises to hold a consultation on making it easier for people to legally change their sex.
Ministers originally promised to allow adults to change their gender legally without a doctor's approval last year, but the plan has been repeatedly delayed amid growing criticism

Government has a more than 70 point plan to encourage LGBT, healthcare, banning gay cure therapy, more police training, making more inclusive sex education, National LGBT health advisers, apparently LGBT are less satisfied with their lives than other people, so need more help

My own mother, sister and cousin Catherine don't seem too concerned that my company had to stop trading after 18 years and 7 months because of my bad health; leaving me destitute and homeless

women only care about themselves and their kids

Theresa May wants men to have low self-esteem, but help women, gender-free schools but want donations for tampons. How can men feel patriotic

Is it a coincidence or conspiracy that most teachers are a feminist left wing and young girls are confused

Apparently Each month girls miss school because they can't afford period protection!
500 UK girls, OnePoll'18, UK Census '16. but their parents can afford tattoos, alcohol, cigarettes, 3 takeaway meals a week

period poverty

July 2018 All of the women that I am "close" to, my sister, my mother, my cousin Catherine, Glynis, and Joyce, have done very well for themselves, and are aware of my recent negative turn in events, my company has to cease trading after 18 years and 7 months, due to me being treated for bowel cancer and having acute Crones disease, Segmental & Cervical Dystonia, I have lost my home, and will have nowhere to stay if I come out of hospital and they have not offered any help, or even shown any concern. I can say with 100% certainty that if the situation was reversed I would go out of my way to help them, now I have nowhere, Travelodge is expensive, and uncomfortable, can't even open the windows anymore, and not hygienic after my surgery, and anyway, how long can I afford it on my credit cards. I always thought women were selfish, but this has surprised me. I hope they will read this one day, probably after my death, and they probably won't be concerned. I realize that I am not their responsibility, but I would have helped them and I really need a little help right now, just until I am on my feet again

Very Short Video Clip
From the TV series
Clique S1 E1
women have to work like
men do, no sexism in modern
world, its just an excuse

Series copyright Australian Broadcasting Corporation

no modern day sexism 

Women are complaining that there are less women MP's , its true women are under represented in the top jobs, but they are also underrepresented in the dirty and dangerous jobs, even women soldiers & police officers are not expected to be on the front line and yet they insist on equality, soon women can join the SAS, but the physical requirements have been lowered to accommodate this

I also think its a relevant fact that women only recently wanted to be MP's, astronauts etc

Every-time a female is not given the job she wants, they claim its because she's female, this week, TV series first, S1 E4, its because I am black, female, and queer, she cannot be an astronaut commander, me neither and I am white , straight and male

26/11 Mon
Women world darts champion Lisa Ashton qualified for men's pdc event

04/12 Tue
The 2021 European women's championships to be held in the UK
1/ If women are equal, why do they have women only championships
2/ men only events are not allowed
3/ UK will not be in Europe in 2021

Over 75,000 women don't turn up for their smear test appointment, busy playing Bingo, watching Kyle, getting tattoos, coffee mornings etc, with no regard for the wasted NHS resources, there is no automatic equivalent for males, even though prostrate cancer is a bigger killer!

The devil 👿 comes disguised as a beautiful woman, not necessarily wearing Prada or a red cape

The wedding is about the woman, dresses, flowers, venue, bridesmaids etc etc etc
The baby 🤱 is about the woman, baby shower, baby clothes, choosing baby room wallpaper,quitting work to play with the baby
The divorce is about the woman, it's his fault, it's now her baby, she gets custody of the kids and keeps the car 🚙 and house 🏡, he just keeps the payments for her to keep everything - it's the law, and I have personal experience of this 😞 but that doesn't make me a misogynist , just an honest, depressed male

It's very easy for a woman to ruin a mans life with a simple lie, no evidence required

It's no coincidence that the Sun Bingo sponsors the Kyle show

Allegedly - Jeremy Corbyn, wannabe UK Prime minister called Theresa May a stupid women, apparently yjay means he thinks all women are stupid, so he thinks one woman is stupid, that makes him a misogynists! BB

8th January 2019 A rare news article by a female talking sense from the daily mail

Actress Jenny Agutter says she cannot ‘fully understand’ #MeToo victims who complain after meeting industry figures 


Women 🚺 complain about having to look after their own kids in holiday and evening, but I have to entertain M 24/7

  1. If a women writes a list like this she's an activist and a statue is erected, she gets TV interviews etc. If a man does it, he's a misogynist & trouble maker
  2. There are mobile breast screening clinics for women, but more men die of testicular cancer than women of breast cancer
  3. Until recently women lived longer, but retired earlier
  4. Women are equal but expect to get in the life boats first etc

In 2017 773 families using "little village" food banks & in 2018 1524, an increase of 97% and yet single mums & poor people still want babies and feel its somebody else's responsibility to support them and their illegitimate children. in 3rd year of a benefit freeze, should government just keep increasing benefits to support single mums tattoos and hairdressers 

Apparently resentment towards women has increased, I'm not surprised, even the women I know are bored and embarrassed by nearly every news article is about women being amazing, and women helping women, and how men should help women, 4 out of 5 labor leadership candidates are "Female", with their main manifesto being to helps women more.

January 2020

Women 🚺 don't want to be sexualised unless it's to get something they want
MP Tracy Brabin wearing a sexy dress in parliament 👗. She wants people to listen 👂 to what women 🚺 have to say. MP says women 🚺 are judged more harshly by men 🚹, but they are judged by women 🚺

The usual complaints that women and ethnics didn't win enough BAFTA awards, and now Koreans win top OSCARS, I think its easier to let the women win all the sparkly awards, they want them, and when they don't win they say its racism, sexist, or fixed

Kay Burley with her cup Pictured here is Sky Breakfast news presenter Kay Burley, I think this is the most watched program on UK TV, being the main prime time Breakfast news program, now presented by Kay, pictured here as the proud owner of a reusable cup which all guests are forced to have. She cuts interviews short and makes almost every news article about her, or other women, nearly all guests are women talking about women and their problems

The UK government has abolished tax on women's sanitary products, the so called tampon tax, this will save most women £40 in their lifetime, women have been campaigning for this for months, so they know complaining pays. Obviously men still have to pay tax on their razor blades. Its OK to discriminate in favor of women

Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison for rape, not rape as in the conventional sense, these are women that agreed to sleep with him in return for fortune and fame, now they have fortune and fame, they feel cheap and dirty and want to go back on the deal, so they regret sleeping with him, up-to 40 years later, and so it's classed as rape, he has poor health, he played by the rules at the time, and now he will probably die in prison, branded a rapist, even though the women in effect consented at the time

April 2020

Apparently as a result of the Coronavirus ☣ COVID-19 lockdown 🔒, women are finding it hard and women's support groups are 50% busier, especially some are in lockdown 🔒and in a coercive relationship. This assumes that the man is guilty, and enhances the stereotype men are bad, there are plenty of coercive women out there too, but no support, no safe houses for men 👨🏻. It is a fact that law enforcement

are trained to assume that the man is guilty! if it was the other way round the women would riot and say its sexual discrimination

I have raised the point before that from numerous observations, its apparent that when a female does
something for charity, its always a female charity, never just for people, always, abused women, black women
ugly women etc. women start charity's to help women 🚺. I'm sure that there are exceptions, but I am not aware of any. Even the UK Royal family, Megan raises money for black women, she supports black women's charities, not just helping people from her own country, just black women. Kate Middleton only seems to help women too

more help for women
Shown here is 100 year old Captain Tom Moore, he just raised over £25,000,000 for the UK NHS
not just for white men, but for everyone!
Capt Tom Moore raised over £25 million for the NHS

More BAME dying that white people, they think its discrimination, I think its because they have bigger families, over crowded houses and kiss and lick each other for a greeting each time they meet, and cannot cope with social distancing. Teams of dedicated people looking into this

3 times more men 🚹 than women 🚺 dying of the Coronavirus too, but that's OK 🆗 . No investigation

Priority shopping 🛒old women 👩 on the vulnerable patients list 📃, also add their daughters to delivery 🚚 options, so others can't get a home 🏡 delivery 🚚 slot despite government Boris assurances 😂 .People think its hard getting into shops, wait until the lockdown 🔒 is over and try getting a hairdressers 💇🏻‍♀️appointment

Netflix "money heist" series police 🚨 inspector Raquel AWOL (away from the job) having coffee ☕, with her kid 🧒 and mother. She is always away when events unfold, but she is the highest rank and higher paid, that's OK, she's female 🚺

Michelle Dewsbury on the chase gives prize money 💷 to help women 🚺, Captain Tom Moore gives money 💷 (OVER £25,000,000 and rising ☝🏻) to NHS for everyone - I only say this because it illustrates the different mentality between men and women

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