Monday, August 26, 2019

Mugs eating bugs

The UK government is quite keen on reducing the UK's working and middle-class population consumption of meet, suddenly cows are bad for the planet, while Megan has "dirty burgers" at her wedding, and we are encouraged to eat crickets and cockroaches to save the planet, in fact rich celebrities are flying around the world in their private jets to discuss how the general population can cut back on food, electricity and generally having a life

Yesterday, 12,000 UK police officers were deployed to police over a million party revelers at the annual Notting Hill carnival. so switching street lights off at midnight will make a difference?

I just want to say I don't agree with this, working people have to eat insects and do without holidays while a few do without nothing

Surely the cows are part of nature too, they have as much right to be here as we do

Yeah sure, get your grandchildren to eat insects, it's their future, there won't be much food as the population increases, and they all claim to care about the environment