Friday, May 22, 2020

Arrivals in the UK quarantine

Today the UK 🇬🇧 government made announcement 📢 that from the 8th June, new arrivals into the UK 🇬🇧 for 14 days. So why so little, so late? I've no idea 💡

Surely this should have been done months ago and now most countries are coming out of lockdown 🔒 the UK 🇬🇧 is going to be locked 🔒 inside, citizens of the UK 🇬🇧 will not leave, knowing that they face severe restrictions on the return entry. Obviously this will completely stop 🛑 other tourists and visitors coming into the UK 🇬🇧 and spending money 💷. This seems more likely to cost millions and push thousands of businesses over the edge into liquidation and bankruptcy 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

First worthy knighthood recipient

I have written in the past about how Captain Tom Moore raised a lot of money for the UK NHS by walking round his garden with a zimmer frame, well today he is to become Sir Tom Moore, he has already been promoted from Captain to Colonel. Why is this great news?

1/ He deserves the reccognition

2/ In my memory, he’s the first person to get Knighted for actually doing something good for everyone, usually people are given a knighthood for singing a song, winning at tennis, helping black lesbians, but this gentleman actually did something for EVERYONE by raising £39,000,000 for the NHS when the government hasn’t even given them enough PPE

This guy is old school, a true gentleman and hero

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

UK deaths continue to fall

Apparently the UK daily death toll is falling after lockdown has been eased, of course this is good news, and I only hope that the death rate continues to fall and life can return to normal soon. Unfotunately I see people thinking they are exempt and are not taking precautions so I fear that there may be a 2nd wave of Coronavirus ☣deaths ☠💀, hopefully I am wrong about this, just givingpeople the heads up