I'm Dr. Ian This is my blog of events, views, and opinions of recent events that have occurred, it is updated regularly, when events occur. Your comments (good or bad) are always welcome. You can also add your email address below to get updates as and when they occur or become a follower You can also email if you want to. Please visit my sponsors from time to time Please note that I don't generally publish readers comments
Friday, May 22, 2020
Arrivals in the UK quarantine
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
First worthy knighthood recipient
I have written in the past about how Captain Tom Moore raised a lot of money for the UK NHS by walking round his garden with a zimmer frame, well today he is to become Sir Tom Moore, he has already been promoted from Captain to Colonel. Why is this great news?
1/ He deserves the reccognition
2/ In my memory, he’s the first person to get Knighted for actually doing something good for everyone, usually people are given a knighthood for singing a song, winning at tennis, helping black lesbians, but this gentleman actually did something for EVERYONE by raising £39,000,000 for the NHS when the government hasn’t even given them enough PPE
This guy is old school, a true gentleman and hero