Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Men are perverts?

Straight guys like girls, that's what we do, it's nature, we flirt with them, buy them things and want to know them better, why is this so wrong nowadays and all men that are attracted to a female are perverts; but two men licking each other's arseholes is normal? I don't want to do it, hear about it, or see it, so that makes me homophobic!, No, I just don't want every TV show to be dominated by homo's

UK government looking at making Misogyny a hate crime because of up-skirting, I am not aware of an equivalent noun for dislike or contempt for men, anyway surely up-skirting is not about hate, its about desire and admiration, seeing a females underwear, why are there so many lingerie shops, all this special treatment towards women is creating a greater resentment. Men have desired women since Adam and Eve, but now it’s a perversion, no wonder there are so many gays in the UK. Personally, I see a constant campaign by Theresa May to magnify resentment between men and women, I see women wanting favoritism every day in the media, more rights than men have, and yet they scream about equality!

The dictionary refers to Misogyny as "hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women" - From the New Latin word misogynia, dating back to 1650–60

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