Friday, January 04, 2019

Obesity is a disease?

Obesity is a disease?

My opinion..

Yesterday the Royal College Of Physicians made the announcement that obesity is a disease?, hence legitimising excessive indulgence. IF obesity is a disease, why does it affect the UK more than anywhere else in Europe? and its getting worse. With this statement they will give obese people an excuse to eat excessively, and then claim they have a disease, and its not their fault, they just keep eating and have no willpower, and now they are too fat to work. IF the DWP accepts that Obesity is a disease? we can all just get fat and avoid work, its easy to do nothing

IF the UK caters for obese people we will just get more and more of them, bigger ambulances, free housing, work and income tax exempt, but they can have babies, and takeaway food most days - this is a slippery slope

I have been watching obeses people for many years, there may be some exceptions, but mainly they donothing and eat too much, just look, the  cafe's and coffee shops are full of them all day, every day, just having an expensive coffee with a cream cake, sticky bun etc. I predict this will just get worse if we sanction this

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