Friday, February 22, 2019

Women 🚺 alto ego as man

There was an article in a national newspaper this week where a lady (Brittney Bean) mascaraded as a man, apparently she felt she had a better chance of career advancement as a man. She felt it was a necessary deception to be taken seriously in business by banks. This may be true, but women  should know that sometimes men  are refused loans from banks but they don't blame there gender like women  do.(So is she saying that the banks don't check information before giving out loans?)

One of my companies offers a live chat technical support service, this is often manned by a male, but sometimes we use a female  alias for the operater because many years of experience has shown that men will be more patient and tolerant when thinking  they are dealing with a female, I'm sorry about this minor deception but it has proved a big advantage when trying to please an unhappy customer because the carriers didn't arrive on time etc

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