Tuesday, September 03, 2019

BS Borris Back Pedals

Don't BREXIT on me, I voted remain in the EU 
Boris Johnson is now the UK's Prime Minister, he was never elected by the British Public, just a few members of the Conservative Party voted for him, because of the promises he made, and they beleived. I never wanted to leave the EU, (BREXIT), but I am not surprised that many UK residents voted to leave the EU, because sadly many people thought it would mean a better life, especially a better future for their children and grand children 🧒 , why did they believe that? one because peoplebeleive what they want to, two people didn't understand how much the EU is intertwined in our daily lives, products, easy travel, Good exchange rates, High quality, easily imported food, and three because even when David Cameron was Priminister, Boris was driving around the UK in a big red bus saying how wonderfully wealthy  the UK would be without paying the UK membership of the EU, he said we can still play golf, without paying the membership, Green fees, or playing by the club rules, so 52% of the UK population voted for BREXIT becausethey beleived  it was a win win situation, but to most business leaders, educated people and politicians, it was an impossible scenario, hence David Cameron and dozens of other MP's have resigned.

Already, there are food and medicine shortages, businesses are losing value and the GBP against the Euro € has plumited, costing virtually every citizen a lot of money, with more costs and problems to come. Has the NHS started to improve, NO, if fact many NHS workers are leaving because of uncertainty, many International companies, are moving their European offices out of the UK,, why, because the UK will not be in the EU, so you can't have a European company based outside the EU. I persoanlly have been told that I cannot keep my .eu websites after we leave the EU on October 31st, and I am not the only company that does/did business in the EU, if I was younger and fitter I too would move somewhere within the EU, probably will anyway

Update 7th September 2019 BS Boris has said he would rather be dead in the gutter than abort BREXIT, and this week said he's happy to break the law ⚖ because he's right. What example does that show to young people, yes, you can break the law ⚖ if it suits your needs

I don't believe that people who voted ❎ for BREXIT ever intended it to be like this, in effect they were told that they could leave the 🇪🇺, avoid paying membership fees, enjoy the benefits but not pay in,so a win win, but it's not, so now more people don't want BREXIT because they understand it better and don't believe it is a win win, I also think Boris knows this and that's why he doesn't want another vote ❎ on BREXIT

For the few actually worried about Boris, don't worry him, he's worth millions £ whatever happens, he's OK 🆗 👍 

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