Sunday, October 20, 2019

Boris loses the vote ❎

Yesterday Boris Johnson UK, PM lost a vote for the UK to BREXIT the EU on 31st October, this doesn't mean that the UK will not be leaving the EU, Boris announced on Thursday that he had done an amazing deal with the EU for the UK's BREXIT "divorce" deal, but other MP's had not had a chance to scrutinize the details, so Boris has been forced to write to the EU and request a further extension, in an unsurprising event, he has not signed the letter. It looks like I'm not the only one that doesn't believe Boris

Boris had previously announced that he would rather be dead in a ditch, than delay BREXIT again, Yes, its true that the UK voted by a small majority to leave the EU, but I believe that the people that voted to leave did not fully understand the full implications of leaving, they believed Boris that it was a win-win, they were not aware of the consequences, including a 3.3 £billion payment to the EU in a divorce settlement

Apparently Boris has sent a letter to the EU 🇪🇺, but forgot to sigb it, then he sent another letter ✉ saying that they should not grant him an extension 

Monday, October 07, 2019

Medicines in short supply

Already, 24 days before BREXIT the cost of food has increased and some medicines are in short supply. There are reports of HRT medicines and paracetamol are in short supply, this is just the beginning.

Regular readers will know that I have some serious health issues myself and require fortnightly injections, I'm concerned about continuity of supply.

Boris Johnson has come up with another dreamy idea 💡, the UK 🇬🇧 will stop 🛑 exporting medicines, therefore reducing the UK 🇬🇧 income and GDP, and ignoring the fact that most medicines are not actually made in the UK 🇬🇧 alone and so it won't help much, and it's likely that other EU 🇪🇺 countries may not supply the UK 🇬🇧 because of a no deal 🤝 BREXIT and Boris refusing to export to them.

People say Boris is BS Boris and bluffing, I don't think he's bluffing or concerned about a no deal 🤝 BREXIT, after all he has access to millions £, he can use a private jet ✈️ or have a gofa get his medicines and tomatoes 🍅 if needed, he's OK 🆗 with border 🛂 delays etc.

Surely the people that voted for BREXIT should lose their medicines first, before the people that voted to remain in the EU 🇪🇺

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Democracy in the UK

BREXIT is currently set for a definite maybe on 31st October 2019, the date has been moved several times, and so I say it's only a definite maybe, regular readers will know that I am not in favor of BREXIT on any date, I think the UK and Europe function better as a team.

People in favor of BREXIT, mainly uneducated/unemployed were misled by the Boris campaign bus, promising the UK would be millions of pounds better off if we left, but he omitted all of the extra costs we would incur if we leave, he only mentions the gains

Many of the people that voted to leave have now realized that they were duped/conned/lied to, Boris doesn't care, it appears he lied to the Queen of England, he lies to Parliament, he lies about his affairs, he uses lying as a tool.

People that still want BREXIT, however misguided, never voted to leave without a deal, for Boris no deal is fine, he has millions in the bank, and will never have to worry about customs ques or medical supplies, or international medical insurance, international driving license or anything, they just say, its democracy,52% voted to leave, but they were misled, this is NOT democracy, why not vote again now?! talk about democracy, the British public never voted for the Queen, Theresa May, or Boris!

Even Megan is not into democracy, she's into herself and Femocracy

I think things are likely to very badly for most people in the future, obviously not footballers, politicians, celebrities and Royalty