Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Democracy in the UK

BREXIT is currently set for a definite maybe on 31st October 2019, the date has been moved several times, and so I say it's only a definite maybe, regular readers will know that I am not in favor of BREXIT on any date, I think the UK and Europe function better as a team.

People in favor of BREXIT, mainly uneducated/unemployed were misled by the Boris campaign bus, promising the UK would be millions of pounds better off if we left, but he omitted all of the extra costs we would incur if we leave, he only mentions the gains

Many of the people that voted to leave have now realized that they were duped/conned/lied to, Boris doesn't care, it appears he lied to the Queen of England, he lies to Parliament, he lies about his affairs, he uses lying as a tool.

People that still want BREXIT, however misguided, never voted to leave without a deal, for Boris no deal is fine, he has millions in the bank, and will never have to worry about customs ques or medical supplies, or international medical insurance, international driving license or anything, they just say, its democracy,52% voted to leave, but they were misled, this is NOT democracy, why not vote again now?! talk about democracy, the British public never voted for the Queen, Theresa May, or Boris!

Even Megan is not into democracy, she's into herself and Femocracy

I think things are likely to very badly for most people in the future, obviously not footballers, politicians, celebrities and Royalty

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