Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New 4000 bed hospital open

The new nightingale 4000 bed 🛏 hospital 🏥 is now open, however it is unable to admit new patients because of a nurse shortage, regular readers will remember I mentioned this in January after government Boris pushed through the UK BREXIT forward to the end of 2020, no I am not telepathic, but I do know that there was a shortage of nurses before the Cornavirus ☠☣ was fully discovered, so a Pandemic is only going to increase the nurse shortage.

In actual fact, due to BREXIT the UK has a labour shortage, and is now importing labour, yes, many people are sitting idle, many in Furlough, but we still have a labour shortage, so are importing vegetable pickers from Romania, so how can we get nurses? - I don't know, so why did we spend millions on building a new hospital? to make Boris look good

On a positive note, the paperwork has made some progress on PPE equipment, and now a delivery has arrived from Turkey

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