Friday, June 12, 2020

UK Coronavirus Deaths decrease

Our leader, Boris has announced some lockdown measures to be eased this week and even more next week, and maybe pubs & restaurants to re-open on 4th July to coincide with his mate Donald Trump American Independence day

I would suggest people receive Boris world-beating announcement with caution,

266 new cases a day is not nothing, and you can see it's going up 👆🏻 again

Deaths are going down 👇🏻but only because they went up 👆🏻 earlier this week

I don't want to be the bad guy, but he is prone to changing his mind, he announced people in shielding must stay in until 1st July at the earliest, then suddenly 4th June is safe, and now, I think its back to the 1st July, which is what I was always told by my Doctors. A similar scenario occurred with the schools re-opening

I know many people flaunt or even ignore the rules, even MP's

I am eager to return to normal life too, but I think people believe Boris after all, many voted for him and I know many people don't even believe that the COVID-19 is that serious, so I would be careful, and we MAY avoid a 2nd wave, as it is, I think the COVID-19 is here to stay for years into the future, maybe until  a vaccine is found

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