I'm Dr. Ian This is my blog of events, views, and opinions of recent events that have occurred, it is updated regularly, when events occur. Your comments (good or bad) are always welcome. You can also add your email address below to get updates as and when they occur or become a follower You can also email if you want to. Please visit my sponsors from time to time Please note that I don't generally publish readers comments
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Hospital cut backs
I got an email late yesterday from my surgeons secretary, she was just telling me that she is concerned because there are nine of her at the moment and they have been told that there will need to be only four from next month, she does not know if she will be one of the five to be put out on the streets. It just seems crazy that we are cutting operations and increasing waiting time to the extent that one in six die (or go privately) whilst waiting and yet we are the "world police" getting involved in civil wars all over the world. I don't understand it, and nobody has been able to explain to me why we do this