Sunday, December 23, 2018

LGBTG and of course Q

So many women want to act like men, and look like men, and yet fight for more rights for women, while they lack female attributes.
Apparently over 100 women over killed in the UK 🇬🇧 in 2018 (killed with unnecessary violence) ,not really surprising that sexual resentment has increased while every day on the news women fight for more privlages while men only need to be accused of upsetting a female to be assumed guilty and loose their house, wife, kids, dignity and respect.
Just ask Cliff Richard or Weinstein etc etc etc, lives ruined while not being found guilty of anything

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Drones in Gatwick

Cobra meeting is to take place only 24hr after first sitting, UK defence will fix everything and I am hoping meeting won't be cancelled because a peanut 樂 has been found on the floor, HSE is investigating, maybe someone could slip or maybe have an allergy,

I'm hoping I don't get arrested for saying this again and that they manage to have a meeting

Update, the accused couple have been crucified by media and apparently are the wrong people, no charges made against them.

When will the media stop  broadcasting the personal details of accused people before there is any evidence of a crime, innocent peoples lives are ruined

updated 4 January 2019
Media has gone dark on this now, so I guess they never found the real perpetrators or they would be bragging about it

All the media has done is show terrorists how easy it is to bring the UK air system to a grinding halt, already today airport security is higher since 9/11 hindering every air passengers smooth transit with "soothing" baggage searches and banned hand luggage liquids

Thursday, November 15, 2018

BBC breakfast presenter vacancy

I get emails from people looking for a job as an anchor newsreader for BBC breakfast,

"I am fairly uneducated, but I giggle at everything and I'm quite attractive, I feel I am qualified to work on BBC Breakfast so how can I apply"

To be honest, I don't know how you get one of these jobs, I imagine that you have to know somebody, family, close friend etc, as obviously these are wonderful jobs, everybody doing them is highly paid and deliriously happy, I think its likely you would also have to be female or gay

Friday, November 09, 2018

PC to the extreme

Firstly the "grid girls" are all sacked and made redundant, because they are attractive, and paid well, now they are unemployed as by paying them, they are being exploited, in that case, we are all exploited because of something we have, a skill etc.

But last week, Apu, the Indian / Pakistani shopkeeper has been sacked from the Simpsons, so he's now unemployed because of  "PC" political correctness out of hand, they are afraid of stereotypes, but Homer is allowed, even though he's an aging, fat, uneducated, balding male, that's OK , because he's a white male, the only group that has no protection and anybody can criticize or stereotype

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Employing pregnant women

A recent survey of British businesses shows that employers are not excited about employment pregnant women or women with children, of course not, if you are not the NHS or local authority, or Google, you can't afford to carry the cost of absent staff, and even more so in the unlikeliest event of Corbyn being elected for government, he wants more child care allowance, creche's at work etc etc etc, sounds lovely, but who can afford it?

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Men are perverts?

Straight guys like girls, that's what we do, it's nature, we flirt with them, buy them things and want to know them better, why is this so wrong nowadays and all men that are attracted to a female are perverts; but two men licking each other's arseholes is normal? I don't want to do it, hear about it, or see it, so that makes me homophobic!, No, I just don't want every TV show to be dominated by homo's

UK government looking at making Misogyny a hate crime because of up-skirting, I am not aware of an equivalent noun for dislike or contempt for men, anyway surely up-skirting is not about hate, its about desire and admiration, seeing a females underwear, why are there so many lingerie shops, all this special treatment towards women is creating a greater resentment. Men have desired women since Adam and Eve, but now it’s a perversion, no wonder there are so many gays in the UK. Personally, I see a constant campaign by Theresa May to magnify resentment between men and women, I see women wanting favoritism every day in the media, more rights than men have, and yet they scream about equality!

The dictionary refers to Misogyny as "hatred, dislike, or mistrust of women, or prejudice against women" - From the New Latin word misogynia, dating back to 1650–60

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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Islamophobic or homophobic or both!

Nowadays it's wrong to say anything negative about anybody that is LGBT or you will be accused of being homophobic, likewise sick of complaining Muslims, Burka or mosque, you are Islamophobic, not simply bored of their complaints and wanting special treatment

If anybody is homophobic it's the UK 🇬🇧 government, scared of offending them and so give them special treatment

Looking at all of the trouble Corbyn has got in recently, probably a few comments will cost him the election

Notting Hill Carnival

Notting Hill carnival, enhanced police search powers, section 60, stop and search, without reasonable grounds - looking for knives because of dominant black presence, including random knife arches, I am not saying they are wrong, it's just an observation that history has taught this lesson, great in the day, but trouble in the evening

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Leicester Royal IBD nurses

Leicester Royal IBD Nurses

Post started on 24/05/18
So, I have to moan about this, I have Crohn's disease with high-grade dysplasia likely to lead to bowel cancer if not already, I was diagnosed and treatment agreed 200 days ago, but nothing has happened, (18th April 2018) last month I saw the senior consultant Dr W, he agreed to try some autoimmune injections and asked the IBD nurses to initiate treatment, as of 16th May, I have not heard from them, I called them, they said they had meetings etc and were on the case and would have called me SOON, in between times my health is deteriorating and maybe the cancer is growing, anyway, they still can't do anything, because apparently, I need a blood test that was not ordered by the consultant at the time he asked the nurses to treat me, so I have to go into Leicester Royal Hospital, just for a blood test, so the nurses can have a meeting and maybe consider starting treatment, if I am not dead. I spoke to nurse N there, I have known her a few years, she is nice, but they are busy with nurses on Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum), extra sick days (on top of real ones) maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc, early retirement etc.  nurse N herself had been off for 6 months because her father died, wow, its nice to be able to do this, so now I am waiting on a blood test via the IBD nurses.

Apparently, the HIV blood test is not something a local GP is capable of doing, so even though I am quite sick, and already have Dystonia, I have to travel into Leicester, to go to Leicester Royal Infirmary, because of a mistake by the part-time nurses! , in reality, it will be most of the day, again travel costs and missing work, let my customers down another time with likely knock-on permeant business consequences for me

In a way I am sorry to say that obviously cost is a factor for the NHS, but also so much politics, politically correctness, extra time off, no staff are responsible for mistakes or delays; and in any event, if a patient dies of cancer due to the long delays and errors, that save the NHS money AND they don't have to pay any pension , so errors create a win-win for the government; it’s the only industry that you can gain by messing up and having delays

Yes, sure the staff are nice face to face, but ultimately I don't think they worry about people too much, just a job with many side benefits never discussed when they are complaining about not getting paid enough; it's still a job that no private employer could offer such extra benefits

updated 23 May 2018
At the time of writing another lady has died of cancer, with a 70% chance of survival

Updated 23rd May still waiting 

called the IBD nurses, as not heard anything, the blood test form has still not gone anywhere, she's on the case, its only been another week since she promised to leave the form in reception, this is now over a MONTH from18th April when treatment by IBD nurses was sanctioned

updated 6 June 2018
Finally, the blood test requested by the senior consultant on 18/04/18 has finally arrived, I understand it has to be fitted in between Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum), extra sick days (on top of real ones)
maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc, early retirement etc.  but the nurses finally got the form posted out, 48 days later! now after the test results, I should be able to start my cancer treatment

11/06/18 Eventually I was in hospital for this special blood test that a GP etc can't do, after asking the blood nurse about this... apparently she can't do the test either because it requires a special kit, which the IBD nurses are supposed to send out with the form I waited 48 days for, apparently the blood nurses don't keep the kit, because its £90.00 and they don't want it out of their budget, the lovely blood nurse, went and fetched a kit and finally I had the test. Now I wait to see if I can actually have the treatment

05/07/18 I still have not had my blood test results from the IBD nurses, I am not a fan of tests, but I am not allowed to start my cancer treatment until I pass the blood test, I have called the nurses many times, because they haven't called me, but I was unable to talk to a grown-up, apparently they are busy, me too! I know they are busy, I see them on the wards and around the hospital, they socialise with every nurse they encounter, get the latest news, see what each other had for dinner last night, and the recent excellent good weather in the UK has stopped some making it into work, this combined with Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum),extra sick days (on top of real ones)
maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc, early retirement etc.  OR do the NHS want to take their time, knowing some won't make it? I understand the treatment; if it ever starts is expensive. I understood time and urgency of treatment was very important.

13/07 Friday the 13th! Still no contact with the Leicester Royal Hospital IBD nurses, the weather in the UK has been warm and sunny, England got to the semi-finals in the World cup, and coincidentally many nurses couldn't make it in to work, and when they do, its chat and coffee first, yes, I am annoyed, I see them breezing around the wards talking to colleagues and enjoying their day, feeling good about helping the occasional patient too, its now been 86 days from 18th April, when my treatment via regular injections was sanctioned by the senior consultant, and NOTHING has started, in between times my condition deteriorates, I am now unable to work, I have two doctorates and an MBA and I am borrowing money and watching daytime TV when I should be at work!

Updated 20/07 Fri 
Now over 3 months and no blood test results from the IBD nurses, apparently they are busy, yeah right!, we are all busy, but now I can't work. I think the only way I will get noticed as a white male is to go into Leicester Royal hospital A&E - they will find the results, and hopefully, start treatment BEFORE I die

updated 31 July 2018
Still no contact from the IBD nurses and they don't return my calls; I am going to have to go into Leicester Royal hospital, even though I am disabled and in pain, I will have to waste hospital A&E resources because I have waited 4 months already!

updated 23 August 2018
Finally, I have been told that my treatment will commence on 29/08/18 :-) 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Inconsiderate People on the increase?

I am not sure if the world has changed, or it just annoys me more than it used to, I am 58 now, and everywhere I go I see people being inconsiderate and selfish, I don't go round looking for events to prove this, I just seem them everywhere.

Pool areas; It been known for years that Germans used to put their towels on sun chairs by the pool and so reserve them for the duration of their holiday, even if they have no intention of using them that morning, that afternoon, or even that holiday, but they may want them so they reserve them, but now its not only the Germans, it seems to be everybody, so you pay thousands for your annual holiday and can't get a sun lounger, unless you too become a selfish b******

Another thing I notice a lot more is selfish parking, people park so far away from another car, BUT not leaving enough room for another car, so taking up nearly twice the necessary space, not vindictively, I think, but without giving a thought to anybody else whom may want to park too. I couldn't help but notice this last week

And another thing! I go for early walks when on holiday, I go early because its too hot later, but at 8:00 am, the beach is full, not of people, but empty chairs, just in case the owners feel like going to the beach later, I think the council should remove them all, I have been tempted, or should I be selfish too? or suffer in silence

 It looks like the problem is growing, more people, less space, it will get worse, and of course, religious people and families are the worst, they only care about themselves

Friday, July 13, 2018

President Trump in the UK

Donald Trump is visiting the UK for a few days

There are many people protesting, shouting, waving flags, mainly women and children who don't have any business experience or jobs to do

Most people protesting and criticising Trump, no nothing about him, how successful he was even before becoming president. many of the protesters are kids on a day out. The media report the protests, but in most ways, they agitate the protests, they broadcast Trump's schedule in advance, we don't tell the public where the royal family will be in advance. At a time when we are messing up BREXIT, leaving? the EU, accusing Russia of chemical warfare against the UK, do we really want to alienate Trump? it doesn’t make business sense, the UK needs every friend it can get

Monday, July 09, 2018

No longer proud to be British

I am sorry, to be honest, I am no longer proud to be British, I have felt this way for a few years; I am enjoying the world cup in Russia, although I am no longer patriotic, its nice to watch world-class football, and have  a few beers with friends; I was watching the football in an "Irish" bar in Spain for a short holiday, England vs Sweeden was going to start in an hour or so, the British started arriving along with the Swedes; as the British arrived they were discreetly ushered to the bar upstairs, out of the way; apparently the Spanish were expecting fighting and glass throwing if we win, loose, or score a goal (or nearly score a goal), based on previous bad experiences. I didn’t see any trouble, but I was in the Sweedish camp. I did see UK ambulances were mindlessly destroyed.

Recently Benidorm banned all British stag and hen parties, Magaluf has specifically warned British people to behave. The signs everywhere are in English, not in German, Spanish, Sweedish etc, why, because generally, these people don't have  a desire to smash things up

I don't think that Europe will miss the British after BREXIT

updated 13 July 2018
I also don't understand the duality of football and fatties, most football fans are obese, but would claim to be sports fans, the media boasts that the UK will sell an EXTRA 10 MILLION pints of beer during the semifinal (England lost), so we already have the most fatties in Europe, is it so great that we sell more beer, and the inevitable violence, damage and costs involved, at the time of writing the police report 1086 football related incidents and 230 arrests, what is there to be proud of? Personally, I think the wealthy footballers and football clubs should pay the costs of repairs, they encourage it, so does the media, bad news sells

Sunday, July 08, 2018

women are selfish

I am sorry, I have to say in my vast experience in life, business and social encounters over 50 years, women seem to only care about themselves, or THEIR children, because they made them, due to my ill health, Dystonia and Crohn's disease my company has gone into liquidation this week, after 18 years and 7 months of trading, this will leave me homeless, disabled, and no income, I didn’t make a public announcement, but I told my cousin Catherine, because she often asks sociably, whats going on, but not really interested -

 IF I was female, the council have a legal obligation to house me (Thanks Thersa May). My sister and mother have also shown no concern, even though they are very comfortable health and money wise

This is just typical of my experiences, there are more examples here.

Many years ago my family decided to hand off their estate to my sister, for no apparent reason, their assets were significant and included several houses, why all to my sister? I have no idea, but she has always been used to being given everything; furthermore, I discussed this with her and has no scruples or qualms about being given everything while I am drowning, so I am telling my readers here

Saturday, July 07, 2018

UK in period poverty

Apparently the UK, often called a wealthy country, is in period poverty, this is a new term for girls that can't afford tampons etc. I find this amazing, statistics show that poor people have takeaways 2 or 3 times a week, are covered in tattoos and  smoke, but they cannot buy their daughter's tampons, so want schools/taxpayers to ay for them


Thursday, July 05, 2018

Parents kids and alcohol

Surely kids still look up to their parents as mentors? so many times I see "grown-ups" smoking, drinking and get drunk while looking after their own kids, yes, they want their own life, but these kids will grow up taking alcohol as part of normality and are likely to take up the same ideals, also kids have accidents, they are the top customers in hospitals, but how can the drunken parents take their kids to hospital? will they drink n drive? or get the taxpayer to pay for an ambulance

Sunday, July 01, 2018

Extending rent agreements

Sounds like a great idea.

More rights for renters, 3-year contracts allowed, will just stop landlords renting, so bigger housing shortage. ApparetlyCorbyn wanted to have 5-year rental agreements for tenants, I think the result would be NO PRIVATE LANDLORDS

Friday, June 15, 2018

Activist ?

I consider myself to be an activist, seeking equality for white men

I'm not racist or sexist, I'm simply trying to get equal rights for white males,
Martin Luther King
Women's equality
Nelson Mandela, anti apartheid
When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.

Now they want to tear down staues of traditional heroes, whilst errecting one on Fawcett


I do a lot of travelling, usually with Ryanair, every few weeks

Ryanair constant in-flight announcements make people numb to them, so it's much more likely to miss a real announcement in an emergency

They lie, "seats are carefully allocated to balance the plane" ✈ but it's a big lie, they don't even know people's weight so it's not possible to be able to allocate seats accordingly!

When a family book the seats at the same time, the seats are NOT next to each other, (even separating children from their parents) unless you pay extra; Seat shuffling has increased change over time and added to wandering around before and during the flight because wife has his reading glasses in her bag etc, increasing time spent on the drinks and duty free trolley, and often delaying takeoffs

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Mark Carne gets CBE

So Mark Carne, the boss of the uk rail network gets awarded a CBE from the Queen of England in her birthday honours list, after he has messed up the railways causing chaos for travellers. Apparently he already gets paid £820,000 a year, so why does he get even more rewards for simply doing a bad job, at the tax payers expense. How long will the uk 🇬🇧 reward bad behaviour and poor performance

Friday, June 08, 2018

Heathrow third runway approved

Today the uk government approved plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport, very depatible if its good or bad, or even possible, but for sure Boris Johnson said he would lay down on the tarmac to stop 🛑 it, maybe thats why it was approved. I bet its another promise he forgets to keep

Britian at the world cup in Russia

The UK government has warned the millions of "British" LGBT's travelling to Russia for the world cup next week that they can't be guaranteed their safety, how can it? why is it expected in a foreign country? they can't guarantee safety in the UK, people get killed every day and the Russians are not supportive of the LGBT's etc like the UK is, I don't think anywhere in the world encourages them as much as the UK, yes Spain has a lot of gay men, but not many of the gender confused and undecided genders etc, so they should be careful when abroad and not rely on help from the authorities like they do in the UK

French schools to ban mobile phones

Apparently, French schools are banning mobile phones on school property, it been shown that this improves performance by 6%,

I think employers should be allowed to do the same, they have got out of hand, I see shop  staff not serving customers because they are on the phone, I have seen nurses busy on Facebook while patients are waiting, I get we need smartphones, they are much more than phones, but its got out of hand

UK Not in a recession! Yeah right

Apparently, the UK is not in a recession


It's just that so  many more people are losing their jobs or not having a pay rise

The UK government insists everything is going well, unemployment is down, etc, but that’s because benefits are reduced so many claiming benefits are having to work 16 hours a week, so technically not unemployed

Maybe the economy is going well for the government's, like China etc but when repossessions are at an all-time high, it's not good for the ordinary working family, just good for the government - we will all be working for a bowl of rice a day, and so low unemployment and quality of life

I'm sorry, I don't buy this propaganda, House repossessions at an all-time high; Debenhams profit down 85%, BHS bust, ToysRus bust, Carillion bust, etc etc etc, even the million pound drop with Davina McCall is now the 100K drop

This week Mothercare to close branches, losing about 800 jobs
Police shortage
hospital waiting lists at an all-time high

updated 24 May 2018 M&S is to close 100 stores, including their flagship in Northampton

UK 🇬🇧 NHS 🏥£1 billion in deficit and so households 🏡 will need to pay up to £2000 extra tax a year

updated 8 June 2018 House Of Frazer is to close 31 high street stores with the loss of 6000 jobs

I also think I am about to close one of my UK companies, trading for over 35 years as CEO 

Updated 14th June, Rolls-Royce announced that its cutting 4,500 management and support jobs, mostly in the UK 🇬🇧 

On a positive note, MP's wages are up

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Wednesday, June 06, 2018


I'm surprised that people are surprised that the EU 🇪🇺 are planning on not buying UK 🇬🇧 car parts if possible, of course they don't want to favor us over their club members

I don't know why people think they can leave a club, stop paying membership fees and yet expect all the benefits of membership

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Time off work to watch football

Government urging employers to let staff have time off to watch the football ⚽, they get holidays and can use them to watch the football if its that important to them. No wonder the Chinese and Russians are taking over the world

Saturday, June 02, 2018

New Mayor Of Sheffield

There is a New Mayor Of Sheffield

Great news for Somalian's

May 2018, Sheffield, UK, new 28-year-old Mayor, he's going to make some interesting changes, fair play to him, he wants to make England like Somalia and help all refugees enter the UK, he's got what he wants, and whats best for him; but are Somalians happy in Somalia? no, they want to be in the UK, which at the moment is not like Somalia, but it will be

This was on Sky news, I guess I will be in trouble again, for doing this


Friday, June 01, 2018

Companies forced to give women top jobs

The UK government aka Theresa May has announced that larger companies MUST employ females as top executives; in effect even if the female is less qualified than a male candidate they must give the female candidate the position, this is another reason male suicides are up, following on from my previous post. so again sexual discrimination is perfectly OK, as long as it favours the female

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Male suicides

According to the news headlines today 75% of 728 suicides in Scotland are male, not surprising, look at all the help available for women, almost nothing, also business are told to have more women board members, more women Dr's etc so less chances of a man getting promotion

Women have more time off work than men, official figures so if you employ more women there will be an even bigger Dr shortage

I have been pointing this out for years

Monday, May 28, 2018

Women have higher rates of mental disorders

Women have higher rates of mental disorders than men, NHS survey finds

Women are more likely to have mental health problems than men, with young women at particularly high risk, the biggest survey of mental health disorder and treatment in England has found.
The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, conducted every seven years and based on interviews with a cross section of the general population aged 16 and over, found that one in six adults (17%) had a common mental disorder—one in five women (20.7%) and one in eight men (13.2%).1 Common mental disorders were classified as generalised anxiety disorder, depression (including mild, moderate, and severe), phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and non-specified disorder.
The prevalence of mental health problems has been growing since the survey was first undertaken in 1993. That year …

This is not really my article, it's from the BMJ, but I have been saying this for a long time;now its official 
24hours in police custody; S7 E01, man assumed guilty of murder, he was given a hard time and eventually found to be totally blameless and innocent, it was the authorities that let her down and she committed suicide. If authorities weren’t so enthusiastic to assume it’s the man's fault, she would have been alive today; very sad and moving episode

Friday, May 25, 2018

Free Speach

Apparently the UK is 40th in the list of countries that allow free speech, I actually think we only got a score as good as this because women are allowed to criticise men and the system for being biased against women, when women complain they are heroes, Meghan Markel, Theresa May, Fawcett etc, they are activists, when men do it they sexist and troublemakers

Theresa May has done a lot to help feminists, but has not been good for the UK economy, encouraging business etc. all she has done is created more paperwork, regulations to make business harder. The police are encouraged, almost forced into assuming that the man is guilty even before going to the CPS. There have been numerous recent cases where the police only looked at evidence from the woman in rape cases

I consider myself to be an activist, seeking equality for men

According to the freedom of the press 2018 the UK is number 40 down the list, with Norway being number , and the happiest

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Another man falsely accused

Father-of-two, 53, spent 'torturous' EIGHT MONTHS in jail over false rape claims after police withheld vital phone messages

  • Robert Adlington was falsely accused of rape and other charges last year
  • He was repeatedly denied bail, locked up in Nottingham prison for eight months
  • Police didn't turn over racy text messages that proved the sex was consensual
  • Case was thrown out by a judge in January when the texts were finally disclosed
  • Mr Adlington says his life is ruined and he lost he business, house and reputation

This is another example of the biased and unfair treatment men now receive, there has been many cases like this where the police and CPS assume that the man is guilty and so don't investigate the case, they just prosecute and select details and SOME facts to support the case against the male. WHY? I don't know why all this is going on so much lately, the police will say they are under staffed, but they have enough staff and resources to find the negaive details and ignore others.

Cervical Dystonia convulsions

Cervical Dystonia convulsions

This video is a couple of years old, but I just wanted to make it available to the public; I was very lucky to be a candidate for a rare operation called denervation, it has increased neck movement greatly, but damage to my spine is permanent and the pain has increased

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Fake goods in Spain

I don't believe that the Spanish government/town hall/police are really trying to stop the larger organised crime syndicates

Lumos founded by J K Rowling

The children's charity Lumos founded by J K Rowling to help children trapped in orphanages all over the world is to help children in Russia 🇷🇺 and the Ukraine 🇺🇦 etc, sounds lovely but is there no need for help in the UK 🇬🇧? Or is it more news worthy to work in Maldover etc

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

England vs Pakistan test cricket

I wonder who the British Pakistanis will be cheering for in the test cricket? I think I can guess

Monday, May 21, 2018

Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle Marries Prince Harry

Meghan has made her first official announcement after getting married to Prince Harry on Saturday, she going to shake up the royal family, fight for feminism and promote black and American everything, looks like Harry is not the only one getting screwed

In a statement in the Daily Mail, she said she is going to take the royal family in a striking new direction, I imagine that the queen is so pleased to hear that

In a statement to the Telegraph, she was going to help the so-called "ethnics" hence, the priest, choir, songs, reception games, music etc were to promote blacks, promoting whites would be racial discrimination

In what way do women need more equality? I don't understand

Monday, May 14, 2018

Crohn's or bowel cancer

Maybe good news; I went to see my main top consultant on 10th May, they already moved the appointment once, but my surgeon was not available 蘿, I saw the registrar (1st assistant ) he knew nothing about my history only general medical facts, the cancer has NOT grown and may have reduced (but they can't be sure) , so he doesn't think that surgery is super urgent anymore and so now there is an injection that I can have every two weeks, it's an immune suppressant directly into my stomach, it may put me into remission OR make the cancer worse, then the surgery would be urgent, but I feel that I have to try these injections directly into the stomach for up to 6 months because they may fix the problem, apparently this was not an option earlier, if not then they will remove everything in my bowel and colon urgently. The surgeon does not want to give advice, he says it is my responsibility and decision  

Now I am waiting for the Leicester royal IBD nurses to do a blood test before they can start treatement, which apparently is urgent, they told me they are having meetings, but I also know they have a lot of Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum),extra sick days (on top of real ones) maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc,early retirement etc.  

I know one nurse that recently had 6 months off because her father died, it must be nice to be able to do that

Sunday, May 13, 2018

2018 Eurovision song contest

Not much to say here, its absolutely no surprise that Israel won the 2018 Eurovision song contest, it was inspired by the ever controlling #metoo wave, if she hadn't won they would have said it was discrimination. It was the chicken song, it shows how the times have changed

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Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Royal Wedding (mixed race)

I have no problem with race, or mixed race marriages, my ex-wife is Indian

People are saying that Prince Harry marrying a mixed race black American will help promote racial integration, it will be good for racial relations, I think he's marrying her because she's willing to join the Royal family (and all the politics that come with them) and is beautiful, if the wedding is to help racial differences he should marry a typical fat black Jamaican lady similar to what is available to us all so us simple peasants can identify with and maybe do the same as he has done

Sunday, May 06, 2018

Discrimination against men

Councils have a legal obligation to house women, but not men, so how is that equality, again sexual discrimination is legal, as long as it's against men

coucils don't help males 

Don't just take my word for it; heres the high court Sheriff, seems like a decent man 

Even the UK equalities commission is called women and equalities, no concern for mens equalities; Theresa may has done  a lot for feminism but nothing for men or to encourage businesses to employ people

Saturday, May 05, 2018


GDPR people are thick! (according to governments), there is a lot of fuss about new EU rules about peoples data, it should be kept safely, yes, but that always been true, but apparently (according to governments) people have to be told that a shop has their delivery address in order to deliver the goods, that Facebook knows what sex and age they are etc, they just don't realise if its on the Internet, its out-there, if its top secret, don't put it on Facebook doh!. Almost every week (this week Twitter), there is  a major company has a "security leak", and yet little companies that can't afford to mess up, have to send out warning letters to people explaining to them that we have their data, of course, we do, they gave it to us. 

In real life, it’s the big boys that mess up, releasing thousands or millions of peoples details to unknowns, and they are very rarely held accountable 

Sexual & Racial Discrimination

There is a lot of talk and confusion lately about sexual and racial discrimination; people are scared of doing the wrong thing, getting into trouble by employing the wrong person, but I can tell you that discrimination is perfectly legal, yes, legal

There is The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, even though 85% of the teachers in the UK are female NASUWT. I think women like this job because the hourse are flexible, plenty of Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum),extra sick days (on top of real ones)
maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc,early retirement etc.

Women only golf days, women gym session, swimming sessions etc

There is also a black police officers association (a white one would be illegal) There are numerous "ethnic" clubs and associations, but no white ones

Friday, May 04, 2018


I admit I am not a fan of football, but hey, each to there own; but surely the whole football culture should be rehashed, its not so much about keeping fit and supporting your local team anymore, most football fans are bar flys, not athelete. Nearly every week some club gets caught abusing children under the guise of football talent scouts, this week in Roma, there were 2,000 extra police officers for 5,000 fans for England vs Roma, who pays for this? How much does it cost? and I think its not all profit, consider the damage, and the amount of income lost because normal, well behaved families can't go out during football fan time

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

women in the work place

Seriously; Nowadays I would think twice about employing or working with women that are of child bearing age, transport for London (TFL) feels it’s a serious offence to brush against a female even on a crowded train, so in an office or factory would obviously be really bad, certainly instant dismissal even without proof, maybe even imprisonment, BUT its illegal NOT to employ females, so its better off to be in business elsewhere in the world, NOT the UK where all the PC and rules and legislation stack the odds against any business succeeding. I speak as as a businessman of over 35 years, and an employer and somebody with a Ph.D and MBA in business

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Obama portraits

Mr & Mrs Obama have had there official portrait photos done, coincidentally, both by black America artists, no mention of white talent, of course we would not be allowed to do that, be white and so forth

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Islamic State Beatles

UK government wants Islamic State " Beatles"  to be tried at the Haig to make sure they get a nice, easy and safe trial and a soft punishment and great time and cost, in preference to Trumps Guatanamo Bay, which will be unpleasant for these British citizens

Thursday, February 08, 2018

public sector employment benefits

I was always brought up to believe that the best school is the school of hard knocks, that the strongest trees grow in the dense forest where they have to fight to survive; those that do, are the best and strongest, but now, women want a leg up with everything, and England has gone PC mad. I can honestly say that every day for the last six months there is a new campaign launched to help women more, the government makes promises, women complain, they were interfered with decades ago etc. I would be very reluctant to employ women IF I had a choice, even though I think there work ability is equal, they also want a lot more Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum),extra sick days (on top of real ones), maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc, early retirement etc. In reality, they can only be employed by the public sector that can afford to cater for all this and pay for it with the tax payers money, a real company cannot be competitive by offering so many lovely benefits

New UK gig employment laws

From now on, flexible workers, people like Über, gig economy will get sick & holiday pay etc Red days, toil days, personal days, sabbaticals, extended holidays, sick pay (above legal minimum),extra sick days (on top of real ones)maternity, paternity, compassionate days, paid while at the dentist etc, This sounds absolutely marvelous, so these part time flexible workers will get the best of both worlds? work when they feel like it, get paid when they don't OR will companies like Über and Amazon etc just cut back on the amount of people it employs? sadly I think that is the much more likely outcome; I think in order for the UK to remain competitive, in even a serious player in the global market we have to not be so OTT on PC, to my knowledge the UK is the only county that offers so many benefits by a long way, this combined with increase border taxes, I predict that many companies will set up shop elsewhere. watch this space. Companies not complying could face fines of up to £20,000, so really worth thinking seriously before being in business in the UK

The UK police are now known as PC, for Pollitically correct, and the NHS stands for the National Hangover Service

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Big mouths

Why is it that in every bar, however few customers, however cheap or expensive it is, there always seem to be a one person, usually ugly, yapping so loud, me this me that, me me me

World cancer day

Apparently today is the world cancer day, but I can't help but notice the female dominated pink ladies, breasts cancer, women helping only women, when official figures show that more men die of prostrate cancer than women die of breast cancer, so it seems to me that women are being selfish as usual

Monday, January 29, 2018

Laura Plummer not released

Pardoned Briton is still in Egyptian jail: Laura Plummer said to be 'doing well' as she waits for interior minister to authorise her release

  • Laura Plummer is 'doing well' according to her family as she waits to be released
  • Her family visited Al-Qanatir prison on the outskirts of Cairo after her pardon
  • Last hurdle for her release is paperwork that Egypt's interior minister must sign
So the pretty lady, married to a Muslim with all the media coverage, gets released