Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19

I have to say that I am dissapointed, but not surprised at how many people are not taking the Coronavirus seriously.☣️

I'm not a big fan of Government Boris, but I have to say I think he is doing the best possible at the moment, a little late starting, but he's doing the best possible now, although he has too much faith in people to self isolate

#COVIDIOT I think many people are too selfish and too stupid to self isolate properly, I think it will require government enforcement, lockdown , food stamps etc. I am not proud of this, but this is what I am seeing so far . People being greedy in shops, more old people coming out and mingling, because they are bored / lonely / selfish

Self employed 
The government is planning on helping the self employed, it's not as easy as it sounds because many self-employed have inacurate book keeping, or no book keeping, the traveler community will expect special favors, self employed incomes are variable and eratic

Even the Olympics has not yet been cancelled, too much money in sports

Its getting like most horror films already

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