Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19 Coronavirus UK 2020

Our beloved leader has insisted that the UK's NHS can cope with the Coronavirus pandemic, However the NHS was not coping before the Coronavirus was discovered in China, in December , so why would it be acle to cope now

Boris, who is in effec the UK government has not placed lockdown on public events or restricted movements for the elderly, worse than that, he has announced he probably will take these measures in the near future. Surely if the elderly are told that soon they will be inprisoned and/or fined for going out in the next few weeks, they will stockpile food now, escalating the panic

Even the the UK beleivers were told that the NHS can cope, only having 5,000 resparators, he has asked everyone to start making resparators and the NHS will buy them, and not to worry about the money, so if you have a shoe box and some string, see if you can make one, price is not a factor

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