I had cause to visit my local hospital in Kettering (nothing serious) and whilst in the waiting room are read the message board, information, infomercials and leaflets as the hospital were running late, surprisingly late since the appointment was for 9:30am, so they only just opened outpatients, it's difficult to accumulate an appointment overrun if you have only just started work, so the only conclusion is that they were late starting, I wish I could do that any time I felt like it in my business; anyway, I digress, my point is, they have lots of printed leaflets, very nice and glossy, but lots about nothing, and with own branding, is this necessary ? why do they advertise how great they are, when
1/ They are not great
2/ You have no choice but to go there anyway
it's all about them patting themselves on the back and self praise, self praise is no praise, and in this case a waste of my money.
Here is an example, three leaflets, all virtually the same about how amazing they are for having seperate men and women's toilets etc.
it's a waste of paper, money and time and resources, do we need to read three leaflets on the same subject ? do we need any ? I don't think so. Hospitals should concentrate there resources on making sick people well again, not messing about being politically correct, as followers will know, I've spent a lot of time in hospitals lately; every time they come to your bedside to talk, or do any kind of invasive treatment they draw curtains round the bed, so do we need separate wards anyway ? we definitely don't need separate everything, especially in times of austerity and hardship. aircraft's don't have separate toilets do they ? I agree in a perfect world it would be great to have separate wards, but is it really necessary, and a priority ? No, of course not! EVEN IF we do need them, do we need so many VERY similar leaflets bragging about it.
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