"According the normal procedure you should go to Court and let them know that after being back to Spain (as you live currently in the UK), you have just to find out their letter requesting you to collect some documents in last June. Then, they would inform you about the reference of your court case and the exact Court, from all the Court offices there, where the documents can be delivered to you. In a regular basis, they will not inform you about the aim of the court documents unless that you collect them, since once the aim of the court notice is known by you, the delivery of the documents could be done by you, in order to delay as much as possible the Court case.
Therefore, although our colleague Fernando is trying to get the information, it can not be done following the normal procedure. Actually, different people should make some favours to Fernando. As it can be easily understood, after making his own enquiries, somebody of the chain could inform him that to obtain more information you should collect the documents by yourself or by close family living with you).
Please note that according to the Spanish Law, if the Court intended to contact you to inform about a Court case and you did not receive the court notice, in a regular basis, the other party involved in the court case will ask to the judge for making a public advertisement of the court notice. That way means that the court case will be followed without advising you any more, which also implies than you will not be allowed to respond or to object the arguments of the claimant and the final court decision.
In the light of the above and considering that you will be over here next weekend, it is advisable that you personally go to Orihuela Court and collect the documents by yourself and bring them to us in the same day. Otherwise, we would have to allow Fernando to proceed as advised, which can take some time and even can be a waste of time."
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