Friday, November 22, 2019

UK December elections

FYI people ask me what I think, I'm not going to vote ❎ in the UK 🇬🇧 elections, I don't believe any of them, the uk needs a normal, intelligent, realistic person running the country and that's not any of the current candidates 😂
Apparently whoever wins the December election will make us all safe, happy, healthy and rich, if you believe that, I believe you should seek medical help. 
Although I believe not voting ❎ is a waste of your rights, its better than encouraging them to lie and make false promises, not voting in the December elections is a statement and a vote ❎ for honesty 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Boris loses the vote ❎

Yesterday Boris Johnson UK, PM lost a vote for the UK to BREXIT the EU on 31st October, this doesn't mean that the UK will not be leaving the EU, Boris announced on Thursday that he had done an amazing deal with the EU for the UK's BREXIT "divorce" deal, but other MP's had not had a chance to scrutinize the details, so Boris has been forced to write to the EU and request a further extension, in an unsurprising event, he has not signed the letter. It looks like I'm not the only one that doesn't believe Boris

Boris had previously announced that he would rather be dead in a ditch, than delay BREXIT again, Yes, its true that the UK voted by a small majority to leave the EU, but I believe that the people that voted to leave did not fully understand the full implications of leaving, they believed Boris that it was a win-win, they were not aware of the consequences, including a 3.3 £billion payment to the EU in a divorce settlement

Apparently Boris has sent a letter to the EU 🇪🇺, but forgot to sigb it, then he sent another letter ✉ saying that they should not grant him an extension 

Monday, October 07, 2019

Medicines in short supply

Already, 24 days before BREXIT the cost of food has increased and some medicines are in short supply. There are reports of HRT medicines and paracetamol are in short supply, this is just the beginning.

Regular readers will know that I have some serious health issues myself and require fortnightly injections, I'm concerned about continuity of supply.

Boris Johnson has come up with another dreamy idea 💡, the UK 🇬🇧 will stop 🛑 exporting medicines, therefore reducing the UK 🇬🇧 income and GDP, and ignoring the fact that most medicines are not actually made in the UK 🇬🇧 alone and so it won't help much, and it's likely that other EU 🇪🇺 countries may not supply the UK 🇬🇧 because of a no deal 🤝 BREXIT and Boris refusing to export to them.

People say Boris is BS Boris and bluffing, I don't think he's bluffing or concerned about a no deal 🤝 BREXIT, after all he has access to millions £, he can use a private jet ✈️ or have a gofa get his medicines and tomatoes 🍅 if needed, he's OK 🆗 with border 🛂 delays etc.

Surely the people that voted for BREXIT should lose their medicines first, before the people that voted to remain in the EU 🇪🇺

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Democracy in the UK

BREXIT is currently set for a definite maybe on 31st October 2019, the date has been moved several times, and so I say it's only a definite maybe, regular readers will know that I am not in favor of BREXIT on any date, I think the UK and Europe function better as a team.

People in favor of BREXIT, mainly uneducated/unemployed were misled by the Boris campaign bus, promising the UK would be millions of pounds better off if we left, but he omitted all of the extra costs we would incur if we leave, he only mentions the gains

Many of the people that voted to leave have now realized that they were duped/conned/lied to, Boris doesn't care, it appears he lied to the Queen of England, he lies to Parliament, he lies about his affairs, he uses lying as a tool.

People that still want BREXIT, however misguided, never voted to leave without a deal, for Boris no deal is fine, he has millions in the bank, and will never have to worry about customs ques or medical supplies, or international medical insurance, international driving license or anything, they just say, its democracy,52% voted to leave, but they were misled, this is NOT democracy, why not vote again now?! talk about democracy, the British public never voted for the Queen, Theresa May, or Boris!

Even Megan is not into democracy, she's into herself and Femocracy

I think things are likely to very badly for most people in the future, obviously not footballers, politicians, celebrities and Royalty

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thomas Cook in Liquidation

Thomas Cook, the UK's oldest travel agency has collapsed and called in the UK liquidator. This is big news  because they employ 21,000 people and have left 150,000 stranded around the world. Apparently, the UK government will not put money  in to save the company but is arranging to get the stranded passengers home. They are covered by ATOL so customers should not lose money or be stranded. There are also over 1,000,000 future bookings that will not be honored, but they should get their money back. This is a tragedy, worst of all for the staff that who are mainly modestly qualified, have a mortgage, car loans, credit card debts, and children, most probably won't get another job and so are likely to lose their chattels. Yet travelers complain about the inconvenience to them, many of them who traveled after the news was breaking about a problem being likely and imminent

Why are the UK government, the taxpayer funding the ~£250,000,000 to repatriate the stranded tourists when they are members of ATOL? what's the point of ATOL protection if it doesn't cover this?

I guess the environmentalist are delighted. Should we ban all flights ✈, monster  truck  festivals, and people traveling to football ⚽ matches? Eat bugs, live in the dark to save the planet  for the ungrateful grandchildren. Obviously celebrities, royalty and footballers ⚽will still use private jets ✈️

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Boris Johnson UK prime minister

Update on last week's BREXIT post

Boris Johnson said that he would break the law to achieve BREXIT, and he has, the Scottish Parliament has ruled that Boris Johnson suspended parliament illegally, to avoid scrutiny over BREXIT, at least in this way he kept his word, but I don't think he will be going to prison, he has too much money 💷 and too many important friends.

Tuesday, September 03, 2019

BS Borris Back Pedals

Don't BREXIT on me, I voted remain in the EU 
Boris Johnson is now the UK's Prime Minister, he was never elected by the British Public, just a few members of the Conservative Party voted for him, because of the promises he made, and they beleived. I never wanted to leave the EU, (BREXIT), but I am not surprised that many UK residents voted to leave the EU, because sadly many people thought it would mean a better life, especially a better future for their children and grand children 🧒 , why did they believe that? one because peoplebeleive what they want to, two people didn't understand how much the EU is intertwined in our daily lives, products, easy travel, Good exchange rates, High quality, easily imported food, and three because even when David Cameron was Priminister, Boris was driving around the UK in a big red bus saying how wonderfully wealthy  the UK would be without paying the UK membership of the EU, he said we can still play golf, without paying the membership, Green fees, or playing by the club rules, so 52% of the UK population voted for BREXIT becausethey beleived  it was a win win situation, but to most business leaders, educated people and politicians, it was an impossible scenario, hence David Cameron and dozens of other MP's have resigned.

Already, there are food and medicine shortages, businesses are losing value and the GBP against the Euro € has plumited, costing virtually every citizen a lot of money, with more costs and problems to come. Has the NHS started to improve, NO, if fact many NHS workers are leaving because of uncertainty, many International companies, are moving their European offices out of the UK,, why, because the UK will not be in the EU, so you can't have a European company based outside the EU. I persoanlly have been told that I cannot keep my .eu websites after we leave the EU on October 31st, and I am not the only company that does/did business in the EU, if I was younger and fitter I too would move somewhere within the EU, probably will anyway

Update 7th September 2019 BS Boris has said he would rather be dead in the gutter than abort BREXIT, and this week said he's happy to break the law ⚖ because he's right. What example does that show to young people, yes, you can break the law ⚖ if it suits your needs

I don't believe that people who voted ❎ for BREXIT ever intended it to be like this, in effect they were told that they could leave the 🇪🇺, avoid paying membership fees, enjoy the benefits but not pay in,so a win win, but it's not, so now more people don't want BREXIT because they understand it better and don't believe it is a win win, I also think Boris knows this and that's why he doesn't want another vote ❎ on BREXIT

For the few actually worried about Boris, don't worry him, he's worth millions £ whatever happens, he's OK 🆗 👍 

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mugs eating bugs

The UK government is quite keen on reducing the UK's working and middle-class population consumption of meet, suddenly cows are bad for the planet, while Megan has "dirty burgers" at her wedding, and we are encouraged to eat crickets and cockroaches to save the planet, in fact rich celebrities are flying around the world in their private jets to discuss how the general population can cut back on food, electricity and generally having a life

Yesterday, 12,000 UK police officers were deployed to police over a million party revelers at the annual Notting Hill carnival. so switching street lights off at midnight will make a difference?

I just want to say I don't agree with this, working people have to eat insects and do without holidays while a few do without nothing

Surely the cows are part of nature too, they have as much right to be here as we do

Yeah sure, get your grandchildren to eat insects, it's their future, there won't be much food as the population increases, and they all claim to care about the environment

Saturday, June 29, 2019

First gay Superman superhero

I just want to be the first to announce the imminent arrival of a gay Superman, spider 🕸 man 👨 and James Bond,

I meant to add to the the original post have to announce I was wrong because they're not going to have a gay James Bond like but instead, a black woman I have to say I think this is political correctness gone really mad because I don't see how James Bond could be female just doesn't what with the the whole James Bond image why could they not start a whole new James Bond character with an original from scratch that could be black female lesbian whatever you want to be
Also instead of hijacking Superman, why not have a new character, gayboy etc

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Keeping the Police busy

The UK Government plans to change the law ⚖ so that car drivers must inform the Police 🚨 if they run over a cat, although it's always been claimed that cat 🙀 owners are not legally responsible for their cat 🙀, so the only reason I can see for introducing this law is to keep the police 🚨 busy and so stop 🛑 arresting ethnics for knife crime, a cat would be a crime and prosecution, 100% clean up rate on crime

This announcement also comes at a time when the police are encouraging women to come forward if they feel they have ever been a victim of sexual harassment, however long ago

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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Patient confidentiality

NHS patient confidentiality

I was at my local GP Dr today as I often am and like many times before I saw the signs telling which patients to go to which Dr's consultation room, so there is all this PC BS these days about patient confidentiality and data protection etc etc etc and the sign lights up saying can Miss Goodbody go to Dr XXX in room XX. So everyone knows the lady's full real name and which Dr she's seeing, even if it's a specialist mental health, vuneral disease etc. I tried taking a picture of this to prove my point and I was swiftlytaken to a privagte room and reprimanded for breaching confidentiality, I pointed out that they were doing just that themselves and could just allocate patients a number instead of Miss XXX she could be patient 45 for the day. As a result of this trip I now know the full names of people I only used to know by site and a casual head nod.

If I really wanted to take a personal picture I would have the brains to be discreet.
Finally there are no signs saying no cameras   etc, so what rule was I breaking? They are under a legal ⚖ requirement to protect patients personal information ℹ, not me!

I have deliberatly redacted these pictures, I have no problem with the surgery patients, its the NHS BS that bothers me

Friday, February 22, 2019

Women 🚺 alto ego as man

There was an article in a national newspaper this week where a lady (Brittney Bean) mascaraded as a man, apparently she felt she had a better chance of career advancement as a man. She felt it was a necessary deception to be taken seriously in business by banks. This may be true, but women  should know that sometimes men  are refused loans from banks but they don't blame there gender like women  do.(So is she saying that the banks don't check information before giving out loans?)

One of my companies offers a live chat technical support service, this is often manned by a male, but sometimes we use a female  alias for the operater because many years of experience has shown that men will be more patient and tolerant when thinking  they are dealing with a female, I'm sorry about this minor deception but it has proved a big advantage when trying to please an unhappy customer because the carriers didn't arrive on time etc

ISIS members living in the UK 🇬🇧

There has been a lot of talk about the ISIS lady (Shamima Begum) that fled the uk to join ISIS in Syria  and learn how to be a terrorist and kill the British people, apparently she now wants to come back to the UK  with her child . Her husband is Dutch but he’s not mentioned, I imagine she will ask for him to be allowed to join her in the UK once she’s settled in the UK with a new identity and a free council house . Yes, sure she wants to come back to the UK , she currently in a tent  in a Syrian refugee camp, so it’s not a surprise she preferred to be back in the UK, but is it for a better life, health care, free house  etc, or is it so she can be better at being a terrorist by being in the UK ? We won’t know the full reasons for some time to come, but her other options of Bangladesh  is ruled out because apparently they don’t need terrorism or free loaders, Holland also don’t want her or her husband, but Jeremy Corbyn, detached socialist wants to accommodate her in the UK , surely it makes more sense for him to join her in Syria , then everyone is happy.

FYI there are apparently 450 ISIS members currently enjoying living in the UK

The uk is now sending a Dr over to Syria 🇸🇾 to make sure she's OK 🆗

Women 🚺 film 📼 directors

Oscars in trouble by me too women because no women 🚺 nominated for best directors. Women should win an Oscar just because they are women, apparently

Friday, February 15, 2019

UK prison population

Prisons offering courses in mindfulness, hospitality etc along with free food and board in reasonable accommodation including free pool 🎱. No wonder the UK 🇬🇧 prison system is no deterarant especially for the homeless and those from overcrowded Council houses 🏘

Friday, January 04, 2019

UK to be the best place on earth to have babies

The UK Government has announced a massive investment in the NHS and particularly the maternity units, this is to encourage people to have babies? I guess, but last week reports on homeless people say we have 170,000 homeless people in the UK, I have two PhD's and an MBA and I don't understand how giving immigrants priority housing and encouraging poor people to have babies will fix the overcrowded UK situation - surely it will make things worse - whats the real motive behind this? maybe short-term popularity?

Obesity is a disease?

Obesity is a disease?

My opinion..

Yesterday the Royal College Of Physicians made the announcement that obesity is a disease?, hence legitimising excessive indulgence. IF obesity is a disease, why does it affect the UK more than anywhere else in Europe? and its getting worse. With this statement they will give obese people an excuse to eat excessively, and then claim they have a disease, and its not their fault, they just keep eating and have no willpower, and now they are too fat to work. IF the DWP accepts that Obesity is a disease? we can all just get fat and avoid work, its easy to do nothing

IF the UK caters for obese people we will just get more and more of them, bigger ambulances, free housing, work and income tax exempt, but they can have babies, and takeaway food most days - this is a slippery slope

I have been watching obeses people for many years, there may be some exceptions, but mainly they donothing and eat too much, just look, the  cafe's and coffee shops are full of them all day, every day, just having an expensive coffee with a cream cake, sticky bun etc. I predict this will just get worse if we sanction this